Ding Dong! Please check: Tips for skin care in winter


The cold air is coming, and the air becomes dry. Many friends are troubled by various skin problems such as redness, pimples, etc... Today, the doctor comes to share with you some tips for skin care in autumn and winter. Sun protection, cleaning and moisturizing should not be less. Don't think sun protection is a summer lesson. You can stop sun protection when it is cold. In fact, sunscreen work should be done all year round. If you do not pay attention to sun protection, it will damage the skin barrier, causing skin moisture loss, thus aggravating skin problems. Therefore, you should do a good job in sun protection throughout. Cleaning is as important as moisturizing in winter. First of all, avoid excessive cleaning. You should choose a mild facial cleanser suitable for your skin. It is also recommended to wash your face with warm water. If the water temperature is too cold or too hot, it will irritate your skin. After using moisturizing water, don't forget to apply lotion or face cream to lock skin moisture. In addition, you can apply the moisturizing or soothing facial mask regularly, but not too frequently, to avoid increasing the burden on the skin. Beauty tea "nourishes" skin according to acupoints. Traditional Chinese medicine often says "three cures and seven nourishes". Daily life and diet should also pay attention to skin maintenance. In terms of diet, choose vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins, such as carrots, cabbage, kiwi, etc., and eat less seafood and stimulating and greasy food. At the same time, we should keep proper exercise, enough sleep and happy mood in our daily life, which are very helpful for our skin health. Next, I would like to share with you a beauty tea that is suitable for drinking in autumn and winter. It has the effects of nourishing yin, moistening dryness, dispelling wind and clearing heat, soothing the liver and brightening the eyes, and beautifying the skin. The beauty tea formula includes 10g lily, 10g chrysanthemum, 9g ophiopogon japonicus, 6g tangerine peel and 10g rose. In addition, regular massage of some acupoints is also good for our skin. The specific method is to gently press and knead the acupoints with the index fingers of both hands for 100 to 200 times each time, which can be repeated many times. Yingxiang point: near the midpoint of the outer edge of the nose, in the nasolabial groove, belongs to the large intestine channel of the hand Yangming. Before going to bed, gently press and rub the acupoints with your fingertips for about 1 minute, which will help improve the complexion of your skin. Sizhu hole: The eyebrow tip depression belongs to the hand Shaoyang triple energizer meridian. Frequent pressing and kneading Sizhu hole can promote blood circulation around the eyes, dredge qi and blood, and improve eye lines. How to protect sensitive skin if you have skin problems? Next, we will share the skin care tips for acne patients, psoriasis patients and pruritus patients in winter. For acne, firstly clean the skin, and try to use mild and non irritating facial cleanser for facial cleansing; Adequate hydration is the top priority. After cleaning the skin, you can choose face cream with strong moisturizing effect to apply it; Finally, we should pay attention to light diet, early to bed, early to rise, and regular work and rest. In autumn and winter, psoriasis tends to be more and more severe. After the weather turns cool, the skin capillaries will contract, slowing down the excretion of the skin. At the same time, the temperature difference between morning and night becomes larger, which is easy to lead to colds and psoriasis. First of all, we should add or subtract clothes in time according to seasonal changes to avoid catching cold; Secondly, pay attention to the light diet, and eat less spicy food, beef and mutton; Finally, pay attention to water and soil conservation

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan


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