Is the cheese stick that children like nutritious? Need to understand these points


Cheese, also known as cheese, is a milk product condensed from milk after sterilization, fermentation and whey discharge. It is also known as "milk gold". In recent years, with the rise of children's cheese sticks, cheese chips and other products, China has also set off a cheese craze. Cheese sticks were also regarded by parents as the "magic tool for coaxing children", and were once popular. The nutritional value of cheese and how to buy it have also become the most concerned topic for parents. Let's analyze it today. Topic 1: What are original cheese, processed cheese and cheese products? Cheese, also known as original cheese, is directly fermented from milk. It tastes authentic. Pizza and pasta will be added with original cheese. It can also be used with bread, biscuits and wine. Reprocessed cheese (processed cheese) is made by reprocessing on the basis of cheese and adding other auxiliary materials. According to the latest National Food Safety Standard Processed Cheese and Cheese Products (GB25192-2022), the proportion of cheese used in processed cheese should be more than 50%. The proportion of cheese used between 15% and 50% is called "cheese products" or "cheese products". In other words, cheese products contain relatively little cheese. Topic 2: Do you eat cheese sticks to supplement calcium? The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2022) suggests that children should develop the habit of drinking milk, eating cheese for breakfast, drinking yogurt, etc. from childhood, in order to increase the intake of calcium, high-quality protein and micronutrients. The Chinese Food Composition Table (Version 6, Volume 2 of the Standard Edition) shows that the calcium content of every 100g cheese is 799mg. At present, the calcium content of children's reconstituted cheese on the market is about 148-725mg/100g. You can control the intake of cheese according to this data. Is it true that the higher the calcium content, the better? Generally speaking, it is really good to have a high calcium content. But everything has its limits. Too much calcium intake will increase the risk of kidney stones and cardiovascular disease. According to the Reference Dietary Nutrient Intake of Chinese Residents (2013 Edition), the recommended intake of calcium for children aged 4-6 and 7-10 is 800mg/day and 1000mg/day respectively, while the maximum tolerable intake of calcium for people aged 4 and above in all ages is 2000mg/day. In order to meet consumers' demand for calcium awareness, some cheese sticks will be added with calcium fortifiers, such as calcium carbonate. According to the requirements of the national standard GB14880, 250-1000mg/100g of calcium can be added to the original cheese and processed cheese. The calcium contained in milk and cheese is milk calcium, with an absorption rate of 62% - 70%. Compared with calcium fortifier, it is easier to digest and absorb, 2.5 times as much as calcium carbonate and calcium gluconate, and 1.75 times as much as calcium lactate. Moreover, the consumption of milk calcium will not lead to inflation, edema and constipation, which is a better source of calcium supplement for infants at present. Consumption tips: We should pay attention to the content of cheese in cheese stick. At present, the amount of cheese added in cheese stick products reaches 80%, and some is less than 20%. Calcium from cheese itself is what we should really pursue. When selecting cheese sticks, we need to pay attention to the ingredient list and see if the calcium source is not only cheese itself, but also

Edit:wangwenting    Responsible editor:xiaomai


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