Don't worry about tumor patients' "great tonic"


How can tumor patients adapt to the changes of the season when summer heat exits and autumn coolness strikes? Yu Chen, deputy director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Jiangsu Cancer Hospital (Nanjing Medical University Cancer Hospital) and deputy director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, pointed out that the key to health preservation in autumn is to astringe the spirit. Tumor patients are weak in body and qi. These six things should be done well in health preservation to adapt to the season, improve immunity and prepare for winter storage. 1. Prevent disease. In the autumn, Chinese medicine theory believes that at this time, yang will disappear and yin will grow, and the temperature will fluctuate greatly. This period is the high incidence period of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases. Cancer patients, especially those with hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other basic patients, should pay attention to the prevention and treatment of basic diseases, and avoid the occurrence of lung infection, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases due to climate factors, which will affect the prognosis of tumor diseases. 2. Prevent autumn dryness. According to the five elements theory of traditional Chinese medicine, autumn is golden in the four seasons, and dryness is the main qi of autumn. The climate in autumn is dry. For cancer patients who have just undergone chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the symptoms of throat dryness and pain, constipation and other symptoms will be more obvious during this period. Prevention of autumn dryness is an important health principle. Keep certain humidity indoors, pay attention to replenishing body water, eat fruits that can replenish lung yin, such as apples, pears, and fresh vegetables, drink more warm water, and avoid gas and liquid loss caused by overwork and strenuous exercise. 3. Adjust your diet. After radiotherapy, tumor patients often suffer from yin and fluid consumption, dizziness, irritability, bitter mouth, dry mouth and other symptoms. They can choose to take products that can clear the lung and nourish the stomach, and moisturize and generate fluid, such as pears, water chestnuts, mushrooms, tremella, and other sweet, cold and light foods. After chemotherapy, gastrointestinal function is damaged, appetite is poor, and stool is loose or dry. You can choose foods that can invigorate the spleen and Qi, such as oranges, oranges, corn, Yiren, yams, astragalus, codonopsis, lentils, etc. After the operation, the vital qi is often damaged, resulting in physical weakness and insufficient qi and blood. In case of white face, fatigue, shortness of breath, fatigue and other symptoms, you can choose products that can nourish the blood, spleen and kidney, such as sea cucumber, bird's nest, cordyceps sinensis, astragalus and other foods. 4. Timely supplement. In the autumn, many family members began to provide "great tonic" for cancer patients in order to improve their immunity. Director Yu suggested that cancer patients should be cautious in taking tonic, and patients with non asthenic diseases should not use tonic. The method of nourishing food is not the traditional way, neither can we abuse the folk prescription, nor can we substitute medicine for food. Instead, we should promote nourishing food according to different people. In autumn, nourishing yin and moistening dryness are the main dietary supplements, such as black bone chicken, bird's nest, tremella, honey, sesame, walnut, lotus root, autumn pear, etc. In autumn, it is better to eat "less pungent and more sour", avoiding spicy and hot food such as pepper, leek, garlic, ginger and fried barbecue food; Eat more vegetables and fruits that are refreshing and nourishing, such as lotus root, celery, spinach, radish, pear, grapefruit, sesame, lily, tremella, honey, etc. You can choose fresh cabbage, radish, lotus root, etc. to add fish and meat to make soup, such as peanut chicken claw soup, lotus root beef soup, etc. It is not suitable to drink more gas containing drinks. Soak the fatty sea with rock sugar or white chrysanthemum with honey. It can not only replenish water in the body, but also play a role in health care. 5. Get up early and go to bed early. According to the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic, it is advisable to "lie down and get up early in autumn, and be happy with chickens". Go to bed early to comply with the collection of yin essence, and get up early to reach yang qi. Research shows that getting up early in autumn can reduce thrombosis

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan


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