It's a pity to miss the three kinds of high nutrition fruits you must eat in autumn


It is said that eating more fruit is good for your health, but every season has its own fruit that is more suitable for eating. Eating the right fruit will make you healthier! So what fruit is better to eat in autumn? 1. Apple: It has been found in clinical research to protect the stomach and intestines that people who eat more apples are less likely to catch a cold than those who do not or eat less apples. In addition, apples have the effect of protecting the intestines and stomach. After the summer heat, the human gastrointestinal function is often at a low level. Apple can promote gastric acid secretion and enhance digestion. The aroma of apples can make people feel happy and improve their appetite. Apples contain a soluble fiber substance, pectin. The metabolite of pectin is short chain fatty acid, which can provide energy for the mucosal cells of the large intestine and protect the intestines and stomach. People without diabetes can eat 1-2 medium-sized apples a day. People with diabetes can eat about half an apple (about 150-200g) a day on the premise of stable blood sugar. 2. Fresh jujube: The vitamin content of fresh jujube is very high. The vitamin C content of fresh jujube is 243mg/100g, almost 60 times that of apple, 40 times that of pear and watermelon, 30 times that of peach, 10 times that of lemon, and 4 times that of kiwi. The above data are only average data. The highest vitamin C content of some varieties of winter jujube can even reach 500-600 mg/100g. And vitamin C has a strong role in antioxidation and maintenance of immunity. When eating fresh jujube, be sure to chew it slowly. You should chew the skin before eating it. Otherwise, because the jujube peel is slowly digested in the gastrointestinal tract, if you eat it too fast, it may cause gastrointestinal discomfort. The sugar content of fresh jujube is relatively high. In terms of consumption, healthy adults can grab a handful every day and eat as much as they can. Patients with diabetes should be careful to eat. 3. Pomegranate: Good for cardiovascular system Pomegranate is a seasonal fruit in autumn. It is sweet and sour and juicy. It is a kind of berry and contains rich dietary fiber. In the past, pomegranate was called "the divine fruit" in Europe. Pomegranate contains rich ellagic tannins, which can be derived into urolithin after human intestinal metabolism. Studies have found that urolithin can improve muscle strength and delay muscle aging. Organic acids in pomegranate also help protect our heart health. The study found that adults who eat one pomegranate or 200-300ml pomegranate juice every day can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. If there is no problem with gastrointestinal function, you can chew and swallow the pomegranate seeds when eating pomegranates. The study found that pomegranate seeds are rich in polyphenols, vitamins and organic acids, which are beneficial to health. Of course, you don't need to eat the whole pomegranate seed, just a small amount to avoid affecting the intestinal digestion. If you are worried that the seeds are too hard, you can buy soft seed pomegranates, which can easily be chewed up. The sugar content of pomegranate is not low, and it is not suitable to eat in large quantities. Ordinary healthy adults can eat at most one medium sized pomegranate a day, while healthy elderly and children can eat half less. Rinse your mouth immediately after eating pomegranate to prevent the organic acids in pomegranate from damaging your teeth. (Outlook New Times)

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan


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