Watch out for these skin diseases in autumn


In autumn, do you think skin problems are increasing. Some people may have a small red rash on their skin, while others may itch. What the hell is going on here? Today, the dermatologist will talk about the skin diseases that are easy to suffer in autumn and share some tips for protection. Tinea pedis caused by fungal infection Many people develop blisters between their toes after sweating or living in a humid environment for a period of time, accompanied by severe itching. It's time to pay attention. You may have athlete's foot. What is tinea pedis? Tinea pedis is a skin disease caused by fungal infection. Specifically, it can be divided into blister type, erosive type and scale keratinization type. The blister type and erosion type were more common especially in the summer and autumn humid season. One foot usually occurs first, and the other foot can be gradually infected if the treatment is not timely. So long as we find that the foot has small blisters and itching and other symptoms, it must be tinea pedis? The answer is not necessarily, other skin diseases may also have similar skin lesions and symptoms. We can go to the hospital for fungal microscopic examination or culture. If the result is positive, it can be determined as tinea pedis. Countermeasures: pay attention to personal hygiene and change socks frequently; After cleaning the foot, try to keep the foot skin dry, not in a damp environment; In case of itching, avoid scratching to prevent infection; Try not to share the foot wash basin and foot wash towel with others to avoid cross infection. If treatment is needed, we should use the correct medication, and we can choose the antifungal ointment for external use. Urticaria and other allergic skin diseases papular urticaria is a good season for outdoor outings. However, at this time, we should not be careful to guard against papular urticaria, which is also known as insect bite dermatitis. Because the occurrence of this disease is mostly related to insect bites and attacks, such as mosquitoes, bedbugs, lice, fleas, snails, flat worms, paederus, caterpillars, bees, etc. They often bite us when we don't pay attention. The skin lesions of papular urticaria mainly show red whelk like papules or whelk like red patches, with small papules, small blisters, ecchymosis, and even large blisters in the center. Accompanied by severe itching, burning pain. If you scratch hard after being bitten, it may cause erosion and even secondary infection. Countermeasures: when you go out to play, you can reduce skin exposure as much as possible, and carry anti insect spray, medicine and so on to drive away mosquitoes; Mosquitoes like to live in damp places, so try to avoid places with more mosquitoes, such as damp, grass, woods, etc; At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a good living environment. If there are many insects in the residential area, insecticide can be properly used to kill insects. If you are bitten by insects, you can apply cool oil on the bitten part. If the rash is severe and severe itching, you should seek medical advice in time and take antihistamines and other drugs orally when necessary. When eczema is mentioned, the first reaction of many people is a rash and itching on the skin. Indeed, the main feature of eczema is that it is characterized by multiple forms and symmetrical distribution, conscious itching, repeated attacks, easy to become chronic, and it is a skin inflammatory reaction. In clinic, it can be divided into three stages: acute stage, subacute stage and chronic stage. In the acute stage, it is mainly manifested as damp redness, swelling, patchiness and large millet

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan


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