The country is said to be rich and cares about enriching people


When talking about the issue of "correctly understanding and grasping the strategic objectives and practical approaches to achieve common prosperity", the article quotes the old saying "the country is called the rich, and cares about enriching the people", emphasizing that we "should not only continuously liberate and develop the social productive forces, constantly create and accumulate social wealth, but also prevent polarization, and effectively promote the all-round development of people and the common prosperity of all people to achieve more significant substantive progress". "The country is called rich, and it is important to enrich the people". This sentence comes from the political essay "Chu Wo Theory" written by Zhong Hui, a counselor and military strategist of the State of Wei during the Three Kingdoms Period: "The country is called rich, and it is important to enrich the people. It is not just that the government is rich and the granaries are solid. Besides, the government is rich and the granaries are solid. It is not heaven's fault that the people are poor and the country is empty." It means that a country's true prosperity not only means that the national treasury is full and the granary is sufficient, but also means that the people are rich. The wealth of a country comes from the people, and if the people are poor, the national treasury will be empty. This passage reflects the people-oriented thought in Chinese traditional culture, and also reveals the relationship between the wealth of the people and the wealth of the country. It is instructive for us to promote common prosperity and achieve the goal of building a socialist modern power today. The ancients had a lot of discussions about people's wealth. Based on the people-oriented view, they believed that people's wealth was the premise of national wealth, and the policy should give priority to people's wealth. Guan Zhong said, "Those who are good for the country must first enrich the people.". Confucius once suggested Duke Ai of Lu to implement the policy of "making the people rich and live a long life". The reason was that "a small amount of taxes will make the people rich, nothing will make them far away from sin, and far away from sin will make them live a long life." When talking about the relationship between the wealth of the people and the wealth of the country, Xunzi pointed out more clearly: "If you are poor, you will be poor; if you are rich, you will be rich." Therefore, a wise monarch must love the people and make them rich with policies. If the monarch wantonly plunders the people's wealth, resulting in "the people are empty and the treasuries are full", "overflow and leak", then there will be a situation of "entering can't be defended, leaving can't be fought", and the collapse of the country is not far away. These views represent the mainstream values of Chinese traditional society and highlight the wisdom of Chinese excellent traditional culture. From a practical point of view, it is often the result of the policy of enriching the people that politicians pay more attention to. For example, Emperor Wen and Emperor Jing in the early Han Dynasty took such measures as "resting with the people", "light corvee and light taxes", and "imposing laws and prohibitions on provinces", which made the economy recover and develop rapidly, thus leading to a situation of "rule by culture and scenery". At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin implemented the equal land system and rent regulation to reduce taxes, promote agricultural development, and attach importance to the development of commerce and trade. This series of policies to enrich the people made the economy of the early Tang Dynasty develop rapidly and the national strength become increasingly prosperous, laying a solid foundation for the prosperous Tang Dynasty. The practice of social development in ancient China has proved a truth: the prosperity of economy means the prosperity of the country, and the prosperity of the people means the strength of the country. "The way to govern a country begins with enriching the people." This is the experience of governing the country summarized by the ancients. The Communist Party of China regards the experience of the ancients as creative transformation and innovative development, the supremacy of the people as its distinctive political position, and the pursuit of happiness for the people as its unswerving value. Emphasize that "poverty is not socialism, and socialism should eliminate poverty", and take whether the productive forces develop and whether the people's income increases as a measure of economic policy

Edit:sishi    Responsible editor:xingyong


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