Autumn is dry and easy to constipation. Traditional Chinese medicine teaches you practical methods to relieve constipation


Autumn is considered as the "convergence season". After the Mid Autumn Festival, the climate is slightly cool, and the weather is relatively dry, which is easy to hurt saliva. It makes people feel dry mouth and skin, and the intestines will become dry and astringent due to the damage of dry air, which is easy to cause constipation. Pan Mingwo, deputy chief physician of Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of Guangdong Maternal and Child Health Hospital, suggested drinking more water in autumn to reduce the probability of constipation. At the same time, different dietotherapy methods were recommended for constipation of different causes. In the dry autumn, constipation is easily induced. Pan Mingwo said: "At present, many people who have constipation may become more constipation due to the dry autumn. Some people who have no constipation may also feel a little dry stool and have more difficulty in defecating in this season." In addition, long-term constipation can be accompanied by abdominal distension, bad breath, poor appetite and other discomfort. Moreover, if the metabolic waste in the intestinal tract is not removed in time, it will also bring potential health risks to the human body. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to constipation in autumn. For constipation of different causes, it is recommended that different dietotherapy methods should be used. What should we do when encountering autumn constipation? Pan Mingwo pointed out that, first of all, we should drink more water at ordinary times. The daily diet should not be too refined. Eat some fresh vegetables and fruits rich in dietary fiber, some coarse grains and miscellaneous grains appropriately, and eat less greasy and fried foods. In this season, it is recommended to eat more yin nourishing and dry foods rich in dietary fiber, such as pears, apples, pomegranates, prunes, lotus roots, etc. While nourishing and dry, dietary fiber can soften stool and promote intestinal peristalsis, It makes the stool more smooth. Secondly, proper exercise, such as walking and jogging, can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, promote digestion, effectively help excrete stool, and relieve constipation. Third, different diet treatments are recommended for constipation of different causes. Experts suggest that dietotherapy should be carried out under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine doctors. (1) Constipation caused by the exuberance of heart and liver fire: the stool is as dry and hard as sheep dung, and it is difficult to discharge because of the dryness, heat and dryness of the intestine. In terms of conditioning, Maogen and Mulberry Leaf Soup is recommended. Boil 10g of Maogen, Mulberry Leaf, Polygonatum odoratum and Lotus Seed respectively, which can not only nourish yin and moisten dryness, but also clear away the heat and relieve this constipation. (2) Constipation caused by spleen asthenia: due to spleen asthenia, the spleen and stomach are weak and cannot push the stool forward. The stool stays in the rectum for a long time, and the water is absorbed too much, which causes the stool to have a hard head and a soft tail. This is the constipation caused by spleen asthenia. Recommended diet: malt, chicken cauliflower decoction. Boil 10g of wheat sprout, chicken cauliflower, orange peel, poria cocos, and coix seed respectively, which can both strengthen the spleen and eliminate the accumulation, and solve spleen asthenia constipation. (3) Constipation caused by stagnation of damp heat: As damp heat is trapped in the spleen and stomach, it is difficult to discharge stool because it is mixed in the spleen and stomach, and it is difficult to defecate. Once there is defecation, stool will stick to the wall. This is caused by stagnation of damp heat. The conditioning method is: orange peel and poria cocos decoction. Boil 10g of orange peel, poria cocos, cloth residue leaf, red bean, and Job's tears each to achieve the effect of removing accumulation, stagnation, and dampness. (Outlook New Times)

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan

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