Nourish your essence and make it valuable


Cultivating talents is the foundation of our country. "Cultivating the essence and making the utensils valuable" comes from the book on the current politics written by Zhang Juzheng, a famous reformer and statesman in the Ming Dynasty. "Talents are materials. Cultivating the essence and making the utensils valuable. There is no shortage of the essence and making the utensils suitable." it means that good talents are like towering trees. In the cultivation of talents, it is important to maintain their nature and in the use of talents, it is important to give play to their strong points. This reflects the talent concept of pursuing "appropriate personnel", that is, coordinating the governance of the country and the employment of personnel, and matching the training of talents with specific work. Only in this way can we truly "select" and "use" people, give play to the strengths of different talents, and promote the success of career development. In the history of ancient Chinese political thought, there is no lack of rich descriptions of the concept of talents. "Think of the emperor and many scholars, and live in this kingdom. The kingdom of the king conquers life, upholds Zhou Zhizhen; helps many scholars, and the king of literature is peaceful." this is the saying in the book of songs, Daya, king of literature. It says that King Wen of Zhou respects virtuous scholars, and virtuous talents help others, so the country is strong and powerful. The Analects of Confucius · governing records Confucius' viewpoint on selecting talents and appointing talents. It is believed that "if you make mistakes, the people will obey you; if you make mistakes, the people will not accept you". The core meaning is that only by promoting honest talents will the people be convinced. As for the law of talent growth, Guanzi · power revision says, "a plan of one year is like a valley of trees; a plan of ten years is like a tree; and a plan of life is like cultivating people". This reflects that talent training needs to go through a long process. Wang Chong of the Han Dynasty proposed in "Lun Heng · tired harm" that "those who pick jade should break through the stone and pull out the jade, and those who choose scholars should abandon evil and choose good". He pointed out that in selecting talents, one must choose people with good morality and abandon people with evil character. Not only that, the ancient Chinese put forward the idea of making the best use of people's talents very early. As Lao Tzu said in the Tao Te Ching, "good deeds, no traces; good words, no flaws; good numbers, no plans; good closure, no matter what, can't be opened; good knot, no rope and no agreement, can't be solved." it is the idea that saints are always good at saving people, so they don't abandon people; they are always good at saving things, so they don't abandon things. "This reflects the idea that people make the best of their talents and things. It is pointed out in Huainanzi military training that "it has never been heard of since ancient times that if people make full use of their talents, know how to use their strength, and defeat the masses with less", which reflects the importance of giving full play to each talent's talent. Sima Guang proposed in Volume 16 of Ji Gu Lu that "the way of employing people should be broad, refined, suitable and professional", which means that people should be applied according to their abilities, so that they can each take their own place and give full play to their strengths. In fact, these viewpoints reflect the philosophical implication of "nurturing is precious" and "making is precious", and point out the key to talent training and selection. The key to governing a country is to employ people. The Communist Party of China has absorbed the political wisdom of "valuing quality" and "valuing tools" from the traditional Chinese culture. Since the founding of the Communist Party of China, it has attached great importance to selecting and appointing capable people, which has also become the basis for our party to

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan

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