This flower is full of treasure! Pedicel can reduce weight, and this part can also clear heart fire and lower blood pressure


In our traditional culture, the mid autumn festival represents reunion. On the Mid Autumn Festival, in addition to eating crabs, there is also a kind of flower, which is not only beautiful but also treasure all over. It is said that it can also play a good health preserving role. You're right. It's a lotus. The roots, leaves, flowers, whiskers and fruits of the lotus are treasures. With a little cooking, they can become delicious dishes on the people's table. Among them, the lotus root is the most familiar to us. In ancient times, young women regarded lotus root as a food for beauty. Lotus root is rich in vitamin C and polyphenols. It has the functions of resisting free radicals, antioxidation, delaying aging, and helping to prevent cancer. Recommended eating method: mix lotus root slices with lotus root slices: to retain various nutrients to the greatest extent, you can not heat it or heat it slightly. The practice of slightly heating is to reduce some microorganisms in the water. Moreover, because the heating time is relatively short, vitamin C, potassium and other elements are retained more. The whole body of lotus is a precious lotus petal: Beauty lotus stamen: it is a Chinese medicine, called lotus whisker, which has the effect of astringency and hemostasis. Lotus seed: it is also a Chinese medicine, called Lotus House and lotus stem: the Chinese medicine corresponds to the lotus stem, which has the effect of clearing summer heat, benefiting qi and diuresis. Lotus root node: hemostasis, which can treat bleeding in all aspects, especially for hemoptysis and hematemesis. Note: Although the whole body of Lotus can be eaten, many parts can also be prepared into Chinese medicine, But in fact, in the catalogue of drug food homology published by the National Health Commission, only lotus leaves and lotus seeds belong to drug food homology. Lotus seed heart tea: clear heart fire and lower blood pressure black lotus seed: the elderly have more than dysentery for a long time. Black lotus seed has better effect. It can also inhibit the release of histamine and expand the surrounding blood vessels, so it also has the effect of lowering blood pressure red lotus seed: it has a better effect of Tonifying Spleen Qi and blood white lotus seed: it has a better effect of resolving phlegm, reversing phlegm and relieving cough, and supplementing lung qi. Lotus seed heart tea is suitable for people: 1. Insomnia caused by Yin deficiency and excessive fire and heart kidney disharmony, It is manifested as five heart annoyance, anxiety and impatience, unable to enter the country due to excessive thinking, panic, anxiety and impatience. 2. It also has a certain effect on hypertension caused by Yin deficiency and fire excess. Hypertension caused by Yin deficiency and fire excess is characterized by dizziness, tinnitus, irritability and irritability. How to do it: brew a cup of tea with five or six capsules and drink it for one day. Recommendation: boiled water or porridge with lotus seeds. People with loose or even falling teeth can boil water or porridge with lotus seeds. For the elderly, it can strengthen the spleen, kidney and teeth. (outlook new era)

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan

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