The coolness is getting stronger. It's time to update your health list


"The summer clouds are scattered, and the wind is curling up." The warmth of summer is slowly ending, and the coolness of autumn is unfolding. Experts remind that the climate is changing from hot to cold, and the temperature difference between day and night is gradually widening. People have a clear sense of body and need to gradually adapt. At this time, your health maintenance routine and diet should be adjusted. Protecting "nose" and "skin" is the first barrier against the invasion of external cold. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "the lung governs the skin and opens the nose". In the cool autumn, office workers can carry a light and windproof "skin coat" with them to protect their skin from colds and joint pain. They can also wear a soft silk scarf to protect their back neck from the wind. At this time, the nose is the protection object of the respiratory system. It is advisable to wash the face and nose with cold water frequently to help prevent influenza. It is high and cool in autumn. It is suggested to open more windows in the room to breathe. You can "spit out the old and admit the new" in the fresh air. Taste autumn fruits, melons in summer and fruits in autumn, including fruits and nuts. The taste selection should be more sour and less spicy, which can generate body fluid, eliminate heat and relieve constipation. For example, grapes can strengthen the spleen and stomach, and have a tonic effect on the Constitution with insufficient Qi and blood; Pomegranate can produce saliva, quench thirst and moisten the throat. It is rich in anthocyanins, which can help the human body resist oxidation and nourish the skin; Autumn pears can be the star of seasonal fruits. They can nourish the lungs and stimulate saliva and relieve autumn dryness. Tomatoes and black plums are also good choices. If you are willing to start, you may as well make a five juice drink (Sydney, water chestnut, reed root, Ophiopogon japonicus, lotus root juice), which can alleviate the symptoms of dry mouth and dry tongue of patients with fever and diabetes. Almonds in nuts can moisten the lungs and relieve cough. They are rich in protein and B vitamins, which can help relieve dry skin, keratitis, glossitis, etc. it is recommended to eat less than 20g a day. Others, such as walnuts, hazelnuts and peanuts, can help the human body obtain vitamin E and trace elements, and have the effect of nourishing and moistening the intestines. However, spiced or slightly roasted nuts are easy to dry people's throats. In addition to controlling their intake, they also need to be supplemented with water. It is hot in the day and cool in the night when you are not exposed. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "cold dominates the collection and guidance", and the soles and heels are mainly places where the kidney meridians follow, and cold is easy to cause cramps. At this time, it is appropriate to follow the principle of "not exposing your feet" in White Dew. Do not wear summer "cool sandals" again to prevent suffering from "heel pain". In addition, cold feet can also lead to abdominal pain and diarrhea. People with Spleen Yang deficiency should especially keep their feet warm. In the evening, you can do a "foot bath". Soak your feet in pure hot water or add ginger, salt, mugwort leaves, pepper and other herbs with the functions of dispersing cold, activating blood circulation and unblocking meridians. It is suitable for the daily health care of the elderly with physical deficiency and cold and wet constitution, which can alleviate the cold of hands and feet, reduce edema of lower limbs, and pay attention to the water temperature to avoid scalding. For patients with arteriosclerosis and rheumatism arthralgia syndrome of the lower extremities, Chinese herbal medicines such as safflower, Clematis and Shenjincao can also be added for auxiliary treatment when the feet are soaked, and the dosage of each kind is about 20-30g. Runqiu dryness: the autumn is getting stronger and the climate is getting drier. The skin, hair and lips of the human body will be dry. In addition to skin lotion and lipstick for external use, how can we take care of both inside and outside to moisturize autumn dryness? In fact, if the meat and vegetables in the recipe are reasonably matched, you can list a cool and moist anti dryness menu. The duck meat is cool in nature, sweet and salty in taste, and has the effect of nourishing yin and stomach. It can be cooked with lily and bamboo shoots, and can be used with catering soup. It is suitable for all ages, especially those with weak internal heat, loss of appetite, constipation and edema. Turtle stewed with Chinese wolfberry and Chinese yam is a classic Chinese medicine diet for tonifying the kidney and nourishing yin

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan

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