Elderly patients with hypertension should also beware of hypotension


Hypertension is one of the common chronic diseases in China, and is also an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease and death. More than half of the elderly in China suffer from hypertension, and the prevalence of hypertension among the elderly aged 80 and over is nearly 90%. Zhang Ping, director of the geriatric medical center of Beijing Jishuitan Hospital, reminded that the prevention and treatment of elderly patients with hypertension is very important to improve the quality of life and ensure the safety of life. In particular, it is necessary to guard against hypotension in patients with hypertension. Good living habits are the basis for reducing blood pressure. In daily life, the prevention and treatment of hypertension for the elderly should start from the following aspects. Healthy diet: the elderly patients with hypertension should have diversified diet and balanced nutrition; Adequate protein intake; Reduce the intake of sodium salt and sugar; Limit foods with high fat and cholesterol; Control your weight; Take in the right amount of water. Regular exercise: the elderly can carry out regular and moderate systemic aerobic exercise according to their own conditions, such as aerobic jogging and Taijiquan. In view of the fact that elderly patients with hypertension often have multiple diseases, if chest pain or other discomfort occurs during exercise, they should stop exercise immediately and seek medical attention if necessary. Smoking cessation and alcohol restriction elderly people should quit smoking as soon as possible and limit alcohol intake to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and lung disease. Pay attention to keep warm. The blood pressure often changes with the seasons and temperatures. The elderly should keep the room ventilated and ventilated regularly, especially during the season, keep warm and warm, wear comfortable, and avoid large fluctuations in blood pressure. The purpose of monitoring blood pressure daily during the medication period is to reduce the incidence rate and mortality of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases caused by hypertension, improve the quality of life and prolong the life span. Hypertension in the elderly, especially in the elderly, is characterized by increased systolic blood pressure, increased pulse pressure difference, many complications, and prone to hypotension. Special attention should be paid to the management of blood pressure. In order to maintain the stability of blood pressure, elderly patients with hypertension should strictly follow the doctor's instructions and take medicine on time. They should not stop taking medicine at will, change medicine or adjust the dosage of medicine, and should regularly return to the doctor to feed back the recent situation. During the daily medication, the elderly should try to monitor the blood pressure level every day. If you feel unwell or your blood pressure fluctuates greatly during the course of taking medicine, you should go to a doctor in time to find out the reasons for the changes in your condition and adjust the blood pressure reduction plan. Beware of two kinds of hypotension. It is worth mentioning that elderly patients with hypertension often have hypotension, which may not show any symptoms, or may show fatigue, dizziness, dizziness, even syncope and fall, endangering the safety of patients. At this time, consideration should be given to whether the elderly have postural hypotension, postprandial hypotension, and whether there are drug factors. Postural hypotension in the elderly is often manifested as hypotension when the lying position is changed to the upright position. In order to prevent postural hypotension, it is suggested that the elderly should pay attention to rest and avoid squatting or standing for a long time; Keep exercising, but just after taking the medicine, take a proper rest and avoid strenuous activities; Get up slowly and follow the principle of "three and a half minutes" when getting up at night, that is, after waking up at night, lie still for half a minute, then sit up for half a minute, and then wait for half a minute with your feet hanging down the edge of the bed. In addition, the indoor lighting switch should be installed at a place within reach. Postprandial hypotension usually occurs after meals

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan


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