What dictionary knowledge and service are needed in the digital age


Recently, the modern Chinese standard dictionary, a key project of the state language and writing work committee, completed a new round of revision and launched its fourth edition. The newly revised modern Chinese standard dictionary contains more than 12000 words and more than 72000 entries. This revision has added nearly 1000 new words, including "sharing economy", "new normal", "carbon peak", "Internet +" mobile payment "and other hot words reflecting the development of the times. It also includes some online terms close to daily life, such as" online Red "," group chat "," group leader "," brain supplement "and" brain hole ". New meanings and usages of some words have also been added to the new edition. Dictionaries are the carriers of language norms and the descriptors of language life. Dictionaries have their own life cycle. The mission of an excellent dictionary is to adapt to the ever-changing language life through revision, and to play its role in standardizing language use and exemplifying elegant and upright usage in language life. It is necessary to balance the wisdom between consolidating the elegant language into the language life without sticking to the old customs and reflecting the changes of the times. From this perspective, the revision of standardized dictionaries has always been a major event in language life. The modern Chinese standard dictionary has now been published in its fourth edition, the modern Chinese dictionary has been updated to its seventh edition, and the latest Xinhua dictionary is the 12th edition. Generation after generation of lexicographers have made great efforts to carry forward the lexicographic tradition of ancient civilization for thousands of years, helping China to become a well deserved lexicographic power. Of course, we can not stop at the great power of dictionaries. We should persist in building a lexicographic knowledge system, create a lexicographic service matrix, and realize financial media knowledge service in the intelligent era. These are also the proper meanings of the title of building a strong dictionary country. The dictionary knowledge system is based on standard dictionaries and authoritative dictionaries, and includes special dictionaries, graded dictionaries and multilingual dictionaries that serve all fields and circles and radiate all kinds of people. Taking international Chinese education as an example, the lack of suitable dictionaries has become a major pain point for non-native speakers in learning Chinese. Among this group, most of them lack an overseas online dictionary that needs adaptation and language specification. In the face of this situation, it is urgent to develop graded dictionary products based on standardized dictionaries, and on this basis, adapt to the level standards and teaching objectives of international Chinese communication. In addition, we should also consider the development of Bilingual Double interpretation dictionaries adapted to the language conditions of different destination countries. In terms of knowledge service, the use of dictionaries is facing great changes. The "big thick book" on the desk was greatly impacted. Li Yuming, President of the Chinese Dictionary society, once pointed out three trends in the use of dictionaries today: first, the first search of readers is not paper media but online media, and smartphones and the Internet are the first search places; Second, the content of the readers' query not only has old knowledge, but also has new knowledge, especially the real-time information, which cares more about the accuracy rate than the search rate; Third, readers are used to the free use of network software and are unwilling to spend money for online knowledge. It can be seen that the unavoidable problem in the development of dictionaries in the new era is to face the cyberspace, realize the integration of media and explore new profit models. A dictionary should not only be the carrier and propagandist of language norms, but also the entrance to authoritative knowledge. In the age of integrated media, the forms of knowledge are greatly

Edit:sishi    Responsible editor:xingyong


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