Teach you four tips to "dehumidify" your body


If you have the following symptoms, most of them are caused by moisture: getting up in the morning is drowsy and your limbs are heavy; The number of stools increases, the stools are not formed, and the toilet is sticky, and the feeling after defecation is not complete; The mouth feels light and dull or sticky in the mouth, and the appetite is poor. It is easy to feel full, bloated and acid regurgitation. Dispelling dampness is the key to dealing with "dampness". Today, the doctor will teach you some tips for "dehumidification" in daily life. Dietotherapy: it is specially used to treat obesity and dark yellow skin. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the spleen governs the movement of moisture. In summer, heat and dampness are in season. It can strengthen spleen and dampness, dispel heat and dampness, and effectively prevent heatstroke and heat and dampness. Dietotherapy dispels dampness, and has a good effect on symptoms such as wet body, obesity and dark yellow skin. In addition, in summer, you can eat less greasy, sweet and cold food as appropriate, and you can eat more food with moisture removing effect. Red bean and coix kernel porridge are cooked and eaten together, which can facilitate urination and eliminate edema and beriberi. Poria cocos powder porridge can improve the deficiency of spleen and stomach, insufficient transportation, less food, loose stool and various edema. Poria cocos porridge is mild and can be taken in all seasons. White lentil porridge can be used to cook porridge, which can strengthen the spleen and heat, remove dampness and relieve heat. It is a good food treatment for summer heat and dampness, and both medicine and food. Foot soaking: combined with foot massage, it can increase efficiency. Foot soaking can not only dispel heat and humidity, but also regulate the body. In summer, many people are used to taking a shower and rarely soak their feet. However, due to excessive moisture in summer, they are prone to suffer from loss of appetite, sleepiness, lack of spirit and irritability. It is easy to consume sad Yin over a long period of time. If they soak their feet more, these symptoms will be properly alleviated. Before going to bed, foot soaking combined with massage at Yongquan acupoint can help dispel heat and humidity, prevent heat and cold, stimulate kidney essence, nourish the mind, invigorate the spirit, increase appetite and promote sleep. Adding appropriate Chinese medicine to the foot bath can also relieve the corresponding symptoms when soaking the feet. Patchouli is commonly used in summer and is known as "good medicine in summer". It is pungent and mild in nature, and can return to the spleen, stomach and lung channels. In order to remove moisture, 30 to 50 grams of patchouli can be put into 2 liters of water, and then decocted with high fire for about 40 minutes, and then decocted with low fire. When 1 liter of the medicinal liquid is left, take out the juice, add 2 liters of water to the medicinal residue, and fry it to 1 liter. Finally, put the two parts of the medicinal liquid together in a basin for foot soaking. The following points should be paid attention to when soaking feet: first, it is generally recommended to soak feet at 7-9 PM. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that this time period is when the Qi and blood of the kidney channel are weak. At this time, foot soaking massage can improve the blood circulation of the whole body, and also can nourish the kidney and benefit the liver; Secondly, the foot soaking time should not be too long, and it is recommended to be about 20-30 minutes. Too short a foot soaking time has no effect. Too long a foot soaking time will accelerate the local blood circulation of the foot, resulting in relative ischemia of other parts of the body; Thirdly, it should be noted that the temperature of the feet should be appropriate, slightly higher than the body temperature, and not too hot. 38 ℃ - 40 ℃ is appropriate to avoid scalding the feet; Finally, the foot massage is carried out at the same time during the soaking process, and the effect is more remarkable. Moxibustion: Invigorating middle Qi to relieve stomach discomfort moxibustion has the functions of opening depression, dispelling dampness and supplementing Yang Qi, and has a certain effect on dispelling moisture in the body. Body moisture

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan


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