A sneeze causes a spinal fracture? This is not a joke


I often hear the old man say, "my height has shrunk again", which is actually caused by osteoporosis. Osteoporosis can also lead to backache, leg pain, muscle weakness, etc. in serious cases, it can lead to increased bone fragility and fracture. Osteoporosis is often silent. Many people are found to have osteoporosis after falling down and fracture, and even a patient sneezes to cause spinal fracture. Osteoporosis and its osteoporotic fracture are one of the most common causes of death and disability in the elderly. Which people are prone to osteoporosis? Postmenopausal osteoporosis and senile osteoporosis are the most common in clinic. In China, the male to female ratio of osteoporosis patients is 3:7, and the prone population is female. Especially for middle-aged and elderly women, the prevalence rate of women over 50 years old is as high as 34%. Bone, like human body, has metabolism. It mainly relies on osteoblasts and osteoclasts to maintain the metabolic balance of bone. Old bone is absorbed and replaced by new bone. If the absorption is too much or too fast, the cortical bone gradually becomes thin, the trabeculae of cancellous bone gradually disappears, and the pores become larger and larger, forming osteoporosis. Just as the engineering team is repairing the house, if the raw materials are insufficient (lack of calcium), the logistics is not awesome (lack of vitamin D causes poor absorption of calcium in the intestine), the construction team is lazy (poor osteoblast vitality), the demolition team is too hard (excessively active osteoclasts), and other reasons will cause the house to collapse (osteoporosis). What are the preventive measures for osteoporosis? Osteoporosis can be prevented. People at all ages should pay attention to the prevention of osteoporosis, especially postmenopausal women who have a high incidence of osteoporosis due to the sharp reduction of hormone secretion and accelerated bone loss. The lifestyle of infants and young people is closely related to the occurrence of osteoporosis in adulthood. In life, we need to pay attention to several aspects. First, a balanced diet promotes calcium absorption. Many people think that the lack of calcium causes the bones to become brittle, and calcium supplementation can treat osteoporosis. Of course, calcium is the key element to determine bone health. Dietary habits are closely related to calcium absorption. Choosing a balanced diet rich in calcium, low salt and proper protein is beneficial to prevent osteoporosis, but calcium supplementation is far from enough. Moreover, calcium can't be filled indiscriminately! Excessive calcium supplementation has many health risks, such as interfering with the body's absorption of iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and other minerals, causing calcification of soft tissues such as heart and blood vessels, inducing kidney stones, constipation and other problems. Second, supplement trace elements to facilitate calcium absorption. Vitamin D plays a key role in the absorption of calcium, and foods containing vitamin D, such as egg yolk and liver, can be properly taken into the diet. While doing a good job in sunscreen daily, it can provide sufficient light for the skin and promote the production of vitamin D. It should be noted that before vitamin D supplementation, blood should be drawn to test the 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D content in the blood. If the content is normal or exceeds the standard, vitamin D supplementation will backfire. Third, moderate exercise can improve the balance of the body. In order to maintain normal bone density and bone strength, constant exercise stimulation is required. Exercise has a positive effect on preventing osteoporosis and reducing the risk of falls. The general public should be encouraged to walk at a moderate speed

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan


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