Can't a diversified and balanced diet be achieved? Three ways to get rid of "knowing is easier than doing"


One person eats about 1800 grams of food every day. What and how to eat is very important. As early as more than 2400 years ago, there was a record in the ancient Chinese medicine book Huangdi Neijing Suwen that "five grains are used to feed, five fruits are used to help, five animals are used to benefit, five vegetables are used to fill, and the smell is combined, so as to replenish the essence and replenish the Qi". The essence of the theory is also the balanced diet theory. Different kinds of food produce different nutritional values. From the first edition of the dietary guidelines for Chinese residents issued in 1989 to the later editions of the dietary guidelines for Chinese residents, the first article is basically the same: adhere to "food diversity". Up to the latest revision of the dietary guidelines for Chinese residents (2022) this year, the first of the eight guidelines for balanced diet stipulated in the guidelines is still "food diversity and reasonable collocation". It is emphasized that "more than 12 kinds of food are consumed on average every day and more than 25 kinds of food are consumed every week, with reasonable collocation". How to make food diversified? It seems that it is easy to say but difficult to practice. 1. The replacement method may be to change the type of food every day or every week, which is more conducive to nutrition balance. For example, we can divide all kinds of vegetables into several categories: root blocks, such as lotus root and potato; Leafy vegetables, such as spinach, rape and amaranth; Sprouts, such as Chinese toon sprouts and bean sprouts; Bulbs, such as green onions and onions; Melons and eggplants, such as zucchini, pumpkin, winter melon, etc; There are also fresh beans and so on. Whether cooking at home or dining out, try to choose as many kinds of vegetables as possible to make up for the nutritional defects of different varieties of vegetables, break the "barrel effect" and realize complementary advantages. For example, red amaranth and spinach have high calcium content, while Chinese toon bud has high zinc content. 2. Collocation: common food collocation methods, including animal and plant food collocation, thickness collocation, color collocation, etc. Animal and plant food collocation: that is, what we often call "meat and vegetable collocation". Animal food and plant food are mixed and matched, with both vegetables and meat. While improving the color, aroma and taste of food, it also provides more kinds of nutrients, such as Shabu Shabu and Gongbao chicken. Combination of thickness and fineness: the white rice noodles we often eat may lead to a lack of B vitamins and dietary fiber, which is not conducive to intestinal peristalsis. Therefore, when making staple food, rice and brown rice, miscellaneous grains (such as oats, millet, buckwheat, corn dregs) and miscellaneous beans (such as red beans, mung beans, kidney beans, etc.) are combined. When stewing rice, sweet potato or potato can be cut into blocks or granules and mixed for stewing. Color matching: rich food colors not only bring good visual experience, stimulate taste buds and enhance appetite, but also meet the needs of food diversity. The dietary guide for Chinese residents (2022) emphasizes that "there are vegetables in the meals. It is guaranteed that the daily intake of fresh vegetables is not less than 300g, and dark vegetables should account for half". The rich variety of vegetable colors, backed by a variety of phytochemicals, play an irreplaceable role in the prevention of chronic non communicable diseases. 3. Have you ever had a similar experience: when you see delicious food, you want to eat everything, but the result is that "eyes are big and belly is small" and you are full before you eat much. In daily diet, in order to ensure the diversity of food as much as possible, remind yourself to consciously treat each food

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan


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