These signals sent by the body or the precursors of sudden death


The news of "sudden death of a 22-year-old girl who stayed up all night and worked overtime" continued to dominate the news search in the past two days. While regretting the loss of her young life, people also began to examine whether their lifestyle gave an opportunity for myocardial infarction. In fact, white-collar workers with high work pressure are the high-risk group of sudden cardiac death. However, before the sudden onset of myocardial infarction, our body will still send an early warning signal. Please follow the doctors of 120 Beijing Emergency Center to understand. These people are most likely to become the "target" of myocardial infarction. White collar workers with high work pressure have bad lifestyles, such as sedentary, smoking, drinking and staying up late; Irregular diet, resulting in obesity, hyperlipidemia or hypertension; Busy work makes physical exercise less and less, resulting in poor physical fitness. What is more noteworthy is that many white-collar workers often cause or aggravate coronary artery spasm and cause myocardial infarction due to high mental tension or excessive anxiety. Studies have shown that mental stress, emotional fluctuations, physical overdraft and so on can easily become the inducement of heart disease, thus inducing sudden death. Black and white night shift people often need to stay up late and work at night. They are high-risk people of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. There are many cases of "death from overwork". The risk of coronary heart disease is increased and sudden death is induced. The basic causes of sports related sudden death of athletes engaged in strength events are mainly cardiomyopathy, early coronary heart disease and coronary artery malformation. In addition, patients with family history of heart disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity and kidney disease are more likely to have cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems when their mood fluctuates greatly. Although sudden death is sudden, there are traces to follow. Before sudden death, our body often sends out early warning signals. So, what are the precursors of sudden death? First, before a heart attack, the body, such as the neck, back, scalp and palm, will sweat a lot. At this time, we should be vigilant and beware of sudden death. Second, in the absence of such inducements as intense exercise, lack of sleep or illness, chest tightness, suffocation and other symptoms occur continuously. At this time, heart problems should be considered. Third, patients with heart disease often feel pain in the shoulder, neck, chin and arm, which is a signal of myocardial ischemia. Fourth, the typical symptom before a heart attack is sudden or unexplained cardiac acceleration. Once ventricular tachycardia occurs, it is very likely to die suddenly in a short time. It is difficult to save oneself but can be saved. The "golden 4 minutes" sudden death is difficult to save oneself, but it can be saved. When cardiac arrest occurs, it takes more than 5 minutes for people around to get help from "120". If the patient can receive CPR several minutes before the arrival of emergency personnel, the survival rate will be greatly improved. However, because many people do not know the relevant first aid knowledge, they often miss the first 4-6 minutes of first aid "golden time". What should we do when encountering patients with sudden myocardial infarction? The first step is to dial "120" for emergency call. The second step is to tilt the patient's head back, raise the lower jaw and tilt the head to one side to make the vomit flow out as much as possible and keep the respiratory tract unobstructed. If the patient has dentures, they need to be removed to avoid the risk of convulsions. Step 3: Yes

Edit:sishi    Responsible editor:xingyong


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