Common prosperity: the continuous exploration of the Communist Party of China


The common prosperity of all people is a compound concept and an organic unity of productive forces and production relations. The so-called "affluence" refers to the highly developed state of social productivity and all-round social progress; The so-called "common" means that the achievements of social development and progress are shared by all people and meet the needs of all people for a better life. Marx and Engels believed that after the proletariat took power, it should increase the total productivity as soon as possible, "production will aim at the prosperity of all people". The Chinese Communists, who take Marxism as their banner, have always regarded seeking happiness for the people as their original mission, and have always regarded getting rid of poverty and promoting prosperity as their persistent pursuit. China has now "reached the historical stage of solidly promoting common prosperity" and achieved a century long leap from goal vision to great practice. To realize the common prosperity of all people is to change the backward situation of poverty and weakness, and it is also the unswerving continuous exploration of the Chinese Communists The Communist Party of China is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, as well as the vanguard of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation. Facing the oppression of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism, the backward situation of poverty and weakness, and the realistic call of saving the people from water and fire and relieving the people from hanging upside down, the Chinese people chose socialism and the Communist Party of China, which is a historical and correct choice. Li Dazhao, one of the founders of the party, once pointed out that "socialism wants to be rich, not poor", so that "everyone can enjoy an average supply and get the greatest happiness". Facing the basic national conditions of China's semi colonial and semi feudal society, the Chinese Communists have deeply realized that national independence and people's liberation are the political prerequisites for the prosperity of the country and the happiness of the people, as well as the fundamental social conditions for the development of social productive forces and the common prosperity of all the people. China is a country where farmers account for the vast majority of the population. It is the realistic and urgent task of the Chinese Communists to get rid of poverty, solve the problem of food and clothing, and then achieve prosperity as soon as possible. During the whole period of the new democratic revolution, "the tiller has his land", "fighting the local tyrants and dividing the land", "doing it yourself and having enough food and clothing" have become the most effective means of political education and people's mobilization of the Communist Party of China, and they are also the necessary conditions and main means to solve the problems of farmers. "The way of governing the country begins with enriching the people." Since the founding of new China, the Communist Party of China has united and led the Chinese people in the great practice of socialist revolution, construction and reform, achieved the most extensive and profound social change in the history of the Chinese nation, and opened up a broad path for the common prosperity of all the people. The Chinese Communists have repeatedly stressed the common prosperity, especially the common prosperity of farmers. In December, 1953, the resolution on developing agricultural production cooperatives passed by the CPC Central Committee pointed out that the most fundamental task of the party's work in rural areas is to "gradually implement the socialist transformation of Agriculture... And enable farmers to gradually and completely get rid of poverty and achieve a life of common prosperity and general prosperity." In October, 1955, Mao Zedong pointed out in the report on agricultural cooperation made at the Sixth Plenary Session of the Seventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: "to consolidate the alliance between workers and peasants, we must lead farmers to take the socialist road and make the farmers rich together." As early as 1943, Mao Zedong put forward that "the only way to become rich from poverty" is "to gradually collectivize; and the only way to achieve collectivization, according to Lenin, is through cooperatives". Also in October, 1955, Mao Zedong clearly pointed out at the Symposium on the socialist transformation of capitalist industry and Commerce: "now we implement such a system and such a plan, we can get richer and stronger year by year, and we can see richer and stronger year by year. And this rich, is the common rich, this strong, is the common strong, everyone has a share." "This kind of common prosperity is sure, not something that today does not know tomorrow." Realizing common prosperity is a relay exploration and innovation in both theory and practice. In March, 1985, Deng Xiaoping pointed out: "the purpose of socialism is to make the people of the whole country prosperous, not polarization." "One public ownership dominates and one common prosperity is the fundamental principle of socialism that we must adhere to." In December, 1990, Deng Xiaoping pointed out: "to get rich together, we said from the beginning of the reform that one day it will become a central topic. Socialism is not like a few people getting rich and most people getting poor." "The greatest advantage of socialism is common prosperity, which embodies the essence of socialism." At the beginning of 1992, Deng Xiaoping clearly pointed out in his southern talk that "the essence of socialism is to liberate and develop productive forces, eliminate exploitation, eliminate polarization, and finally achieve common prosperity". Since then, Jiang Zemin further stressed that "achieving common prosperity is the fundamental principle and essential feature of socialism, and we must never shake it", and proposed that we must take common prosperity as the goal, expand the proportion of middle-income people, and improve the income level of low-income people. Hu Jintao stressed that "we must combine improving efficiency with promoting social equity", "put maintaining social equity in a more prominent position", "make all people share the fruits of reform and development, and make all people move steadily towards common prosperity". The historical journey of realizing common prosperity has progressed in twists and turns, but it is an indisputable fact that the Communist Party of China has made unprecedented achievements in its exploration, especially in its overall well-off level. Achieving common prosperity for all people is not only an economic issue, but also a major political issue related to the ruling foundation of the party Since the 18th CPC National Congress, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. This new era has rich implications. One of its important contents is that the people of all ethnic groups across the country work together to constantly create a better life and gradually realize the common prosperity of all people. China's modernization is the modernization of common prosperity for all people. The history of the Communist Party of China is a history of struggle to realize the people's yearning for a better life. To realize the common prosperity of all the people is the proper meaning of seeking happiness for the people, and the people-centered development thought is the proper meaning of promoting common prosperity. In the decade of the new era, the historic solution to the problem of absolute poverty has laid a solid material foundation for the initial realization of common prosperity; The historic achievement of building a well-off society in an all-round way is a powerful step forward in solidly promoting common prosperity in the new era. Common prosperity is linked to a well-off society in an all-round way and a powerful socialist modernization country at one end. Moreover, "common prosperity itself is an important goal of socialist modernization." Therefore, the Party Central Committee has placed the promotion of common prosperity of all the people in a more important position. The 19th CPC National Congress made a strategic arrangement for the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era in two stages, that is, from 2020 to 2035, we will strive for 15 years to basically realize socialist modernization and take solid steps for the common prosperity of all people; From 2035 to the middle of this century, we will strive for another 15 years to build China into a prosperous, strong, democratic, civilized, harmonious and beautiful modern socialist power, and the common prosperity of all people will be basically achieved. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee stressed the need to "solidly promote common prosperity" and proposed that "all people will make more significant substantive progress in common prosperity" by 2035. By 2035, the common prosperity of all people will make more significant substantive progress, and the equalization of basic public services will be achieved; By the middle of this century, the common prosperity of all people will be basically achieved, and the gap between residents' income and actual consumption level will be narrowed to a reasonable range. Make a life for the people and strive for common prosperity. The resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the major achievements and historical experience of the party's hundred year struggle, adopted at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, regards "gradually realizing the common prosperity of all people" as an important content of the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, He stressed that as long as the party "unswervingly follows the path of common prosperity for all the people, it will be able to lead the people to win a new and greater victory for socialism with Chinese characteristics". These important propositions and conclusions collectively reflect the ideological and theoretical realm and the wisdom of governing the country of contemporary Chinese Marxism and Marxism in the 21st century. To realize the common prosperity of all people is not an empty slogan, but a real action "The rich, as the country is called, care about enriching the people". Poverty is the stubborn enemy of mankind and one of the difficult problems in the governance of all countries in the world. In the new era and new journey, realizing the common prosperity of all people is not an empty slogan, but a real action. To realize the common prosperity of all the people is the responsibility and mission of the Chinese Communists in the new era. This is the road to common prosperity for all the people of socialism with Chinese characteristics. To solidly promote and realize the common prosperity of all people, first of all, we must adhere to the leadership of the party. The party should always take the overall situation of realizing common prosperity and

Edit:sishi    Responsible editor:xingyong


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