Mung bean soup with some "ingredients" has a more lasting effect on relieving summer heat


The weather is getting hotter and hotter. It's time to drink mung bean soup to relieve summer heat. Mungbean contains polyphenols, alkaloids, legosterol, vitamins, calcium, iron, potassium and other minerals, which can clear away heat and diuresis. Do you know how to cook mung bean soup to relieve summer heat? Green soup has better effect on relieving summer heat The mung bean soup turns red because the cover is opened and exposed to oxygen When you cook mung bean soup, you will find that sometimes the soup is green and sometimes red. This is because mungbean contains polyphenols, which are sensitive. When heated at high temperature, they will react with oxygen in the air to produce quinones, and then continue to polymerize into darker substances. Therefore, if you cover the pot and cook mung bean soup in a short time, the soup juice is not exposed to oxygen, and the boiled soup is green. If the lid of the pot is opened, the cooking time becomes longer, the polyphenols will be oxidized, and the mung bean soup will turn red. In addition, put the cooked mung bean soup in the air for a long time, and the color will gradually turn red and deepen. So, which color of mung bean soup has the best effect on relieving summer heat? The polyphenols in mung bean peel have a certain inhibitory effect on the temperature regulation center. From the perspective of relieving summer heat and clearing heat, the oxidation degree is not deep, and the Green Mung bean soup will have a better effect on relieving summer heat. Mung bean soup turns red. It can be drunk as long as it hasn't gone bad. It also has certain nutritional value. Just from the perspective of relieving summer heat and clearing away heat, the effect will be worse. Boiled in pure water with lemon juice Help mung bean soup stay red The discoloration of mung bean soup is related to heating time and oxidation. To obtain a more lasting effect of relieving summer heat, two points should be paid attention to: First, control the time. Drink Green Mung bean soup to relieve the summer heat. Don't boil the soup red. Second, reduce the oxidation reaction rate. For example, you can cook mung bean soup in pure water, add a little lemon juice or twoorthree tablets of vitamin C, or reduce the amount of oxygen in the water, which can protect polyphenols, reduce the oxidation rate, and keep the mung bean soup green for a long time. 2-4 small bowls a day is the best Beans are best boiled and blossomed before eating You can control the amount of mung bean soup according to your own situation, usually 2-4 small bowls a day. If you feel comfortable after drinking, you can drink more. In addition, if you cook for a short time and the mung beans do not bloom, such beans are difficult to digest. You can drink some mung bean soup first, then cook the mung beans until they bloom and eat them, or directly use the mung beans to cook porridge. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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