These three kinds of vegetables are more suitable for eating raw!


After the Dragon Boat Festival, it is about to enter the real midsummer, and it is the beginning of the hot weather. In the hot summer, many people are prone to loss of appetite. When they don't want to eat, they will choose to eat some vegetables raw for appetizers. Although many vegetables can be eaten raw, there are three kinds of vegetables that are relatively more suitable for eating raw. They can not only better preserve vitamins, but also help some nutrients to play their role. Did you eat right? ternip High temperature frying will cause mustard oil loss You can often eat white radish in summer. White radish is rich in vitamin C, which can inhibit melanin synthesis, prevent fat oxidation and prevent lipofuscin deposition. In addition, white radish is low in calories and easy to produce a sense of fullness after eating, which helps to lose weight. Mustard oil and dietary fiber in white radish can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, expel some metabolic wastes out of the body, and thus play a certain role of "clearing the intestines". In terms of eating method, white radish is more suitable for eating raw. The pungent taste of white radish is often proportional to its efficacy. Frying white radish at high temperature will lead to the loss of many nutrients such as mustard oil. However, mustard oil has certain irritation to the gastrointestinal tract. Some friends with weak gastrointestinal function may feel uncomfortable after eating white radish raw. Such people can cook white radish well. Sweet pepper Vitamin C content is 5-6 times that of lemon Among the common fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, sweet pepper is the best, and its content is 5-6 times that of lemon. Colored pepper is also a kind of sweet pepper. Colored pepper with different colors only contains plant pigments of different colors, not genetically modified products. Vitamin C helps to maintain the body's immunity. In case of lack of vitamin C, blood vessels will become brittle, prone to gum bleeding, subcutaneous ecchymosis, oral ulcer, difficult wound healing, etc. What's more, a long-term lack of vitamin C may also increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other diseases. Because vitamin C will be lost during heating, sweet pepper can be eaten raw for better nutrition retention. It can be eaten as vegetable salad, noodles, or sandwiched in homemade sandwiches. garlic It is recommended to mash and leave for 10 minutes before eating In summer, when the temperature is high and the air is humid, bacteria are easy to breed. Garlic contains a volatile substance called allicin, which helps to inhibit and kill bacteria. In addition, allicin can also inhibit the initiation of malignant tumors. So, how to eat garlic to maximize the retention of allicin? It's best to eat it raw. If the garlic is cooked and rotten, the allicin will evaporate in the process. When eating raw, it is recommended to mash the garlic and eat it for about 10 minutes. At this time, more allicin is produced. It also needs to be reminded that garlic is not equal to allicin, so we can take garlic as a common ingredient and eat it in an appropriate amount every day. Generally, adults can eat 2-3 small valves at a time, otherwise it will stimulate the gastrointestinal tract. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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