Three steps for skincare in summer


In the hot summer, with the intense ultraviolet radiation, various skin problems begin to appear. In addition to the innate gifts, good skin is also inseparable from the accumulated care. In the eyes of beauty lovers, there are various skin care secrets. However, from the perspective of dermatologists, daily skin care should follow the principle of "simplicity", mainly including three steps: cleaning, moisturizing and sunscreen. Step 1: keep skin clean Skin cleaning includes facial skin cleaning and body skin cleaning. It is recommended to clean the facial skin 1-2 times a day. After using the cleansing product, gently rub the face with both hands, but it is not recommended to use the cleansing instrument and other cleaning tools. After cleansing, gently press the face with a cotton towel to dry the excess water on the surface. People with sensitive muscles should avoid using soap based cleansing products; Patients with facial dermatitis or eczema are not recommended to use any cleansing products. Just wash your face with clean water. For people with normal skin status, they can take a shower with clean water every day when they sweat a lot in summer, and 1-3 times a week in other seasons. For areas with strong sebum secretion, such as the armpit and back, detergent can be used appropriately. It is not recommended to take a bath. The water temperature should not be overheated when bathing. After bathing, you can use body lotion properly. Step 2: Lock skin moisture For facial skin moisturizing, it mainly focuses on moisturizing and water locking. Makeup water and facial mask are commonly used to replenish water. Toner or gel is recommended for oily skin. The facial mask should be used no more than 2-3 times a week. Water locking mainly depends on lotion or face cream. When the weather is hot and sebum secretion is strong, it is recommended to use light lotion; When the weather is cold and dry, it is recommended to use face cream with stronger water locking ability. Step 3: protect your skin from sun When it comes to skin sunscreen, the first thing we think of is sunscreen. Sunscreens on the market are mainly divided into physical sunscreen and chemical sunscreen, each with its own characteristics. Common components of physical sunscreen include zinc oxide and silicon dioxide. The principle of sunscreen is to reflect ultraviolet rays. It takes a long time to apply sunscreen at one time, but it has the disadvantages of thick skin and false white skin; The common ingredients of chemical sunscreen include hydroxybenzophenone, methoxy octyl cinnamate, etc. the principle of sunscreen is to produce a chemical reaction to absorb ultraviolet rays, leaving the skin feeling clear and white. However, the sunscreen time is relatively short, and it needs to be reapplied on time according to the environment. Sun protection products are often marked with PA and SPF factors. PA represents the ability to protect against UVA (long wave ultraviolet). Since UVA can be shot into the room through glass, sunscreen should also be applied in rooms such as sunshine rooms; SPF represents the ability to protect against UVB (medium wave ultraviolet). The higher the value, the longer the sunscreen time. It should be noted that the sunscreen has a sunscreen effect only after it forms a film on the skin, and it takes a certain time to form a film, so we need to apply it 10-20 minutes before going out, and 30 minutes before going to the beach. Of course, when you don't want to use sunscreen, it's also a good choice to wear sunscreen clothes, umbrellas, sun hats and sunglasses. [speaking truthfully] Eating more of these two foods will help relieve summer heat and beautify skin Good skin not only needs external care, but also needs internal adjustment. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that summer is mainly about "fire" and "heat". Eating more of these two kinds of food appropriately will help to eliminate fire and heat. "Fire" is Yang evil, and its nature is hot. Fire is easy to generate wind and blood, and easy to cause swelling. Common dermatological diseases include folliculitis and furuncle. As fire easily consumes air and injures body fluid, it will also cause dry skin. In view of the "fire" evil, watermelon can be eaten properly every day. Because it has the effect of clearing away heat and generating body fluid, it is also known as "white tiger soup". "Summer heat" is hot, and it often carries moisture, which can make the skin yellow and lusterless. For the "heat" evil, you can drink Adlay adzuki bean soup properly every day, which has the effect of clearing away heat, strengthening the spleen and removing dampness. For those with heavy heat, use raw coix seed, and for those with spleen deficiency, use fried coix seed. The decocting method is to boil it over high heat and then turn it to low heat for about 15 minutes. Do not overcook. Due to strong ultraviolet rays in summer, improper protection may lead to tanning and sunburn. You can eat more foods rich in vitamin C or take vitamin C orally. Vitamin C has the effects of anti-oxidation and anti free radicals, which can desalinate pigments and promote repair. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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