Mild poisoning diarrhea, severe cancer fatal! Never eat like that again


Summer is the hottest, humid and muggy day of the year, and it is also the season of high incidence of foodborne diseases. Looking at these lessons, we must pay attention to food safety and avoid "diseases entering from the mouth". Beware of "highly toxic traps" in diet Chenyunchao, director of Guangzhou chemical poisoning rescue center and the Department of critical medicine of Guangzhou 12th people's Hospital, introduced in an interview with Guangzhou Daily that from the perspective of clinical treatment experience, food poisoning in daily life is mainly divided into five categories, namely: 01 Bacterial food poisoning Sour soup and black fungus events Bacterial food poisoning is common in Tremella fuciformis, long soaked black fungus, stinky muck, sour soup, gegege bean, Diao Jiang Ba, Hefen, etc. 1. Pseudomonas cocoanulatus In 2021, luoliyuan of Lanzhou Institute of information technology published an article in the food safety guide, which showed that Pseudomonas cocoanulatus can produce rice yeast acid and toxin flavin with strong heat resistance. Boiling at 120 ℃ can still maintain the toxicity, seriously damaging human organs such as liver, kidney, heart and brain. After poisoning, there is no specific treatment drug, and the mortality rate is very high. For example, the sour soup incident in Jixi, Heilongjiang, claimed the lives of nine people. On october5,2020, a family in Jixi, Heilongjiang province had a dinner to eat sour soup, which led to food poisoning. It is reported that the frozen sour soup was taken out of the refrigerator and put in a cool and humid place for several days because the refrigerator could not hold it. Therefore, food poisoning caused by high concentration of rice yeast acid belongs to bacterial food poisoning. There are also common cases of poisoning caused by black fungus. According to Wuhan Evening News in 2019, a mother and daughter in Wuhan began to vomit after eating black fungus mixed with vegetables. The black fungus has been soaked for two days and two nights. The receiving doctor said that Pseudomonas cocoanulatus may breed during the long-term foaming process, and rice yeast acid may also be produced, leading to poisoning. 2. Listeria In August, 2021, according to litchi news, Ms. Lu in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, suffered from meningitis due to eating chicken soup stored in the refrigerator for two days. The receiving doctor said that the cause of illness was Listeria in the refrigerator. Luoliyuan of Lanzhou Institute of information technology explained in the article published in food safety guide in 2021 that Listeria is most common in dairy products and meat products stored in refrigerators for a long time, mostly in summer and autumn. For pregnant women, infants, the elderly and people with low immunity, once the disease occurs, the mortality can be as high as 20% ~ 50%. 02 Fungal food poisoning Class 1 carcinogen aflatoxin The most common fungal food poisoning is aflatoxin poisoning, moldy sugarcane and moldy sweet potato poisoning. Zhaojianjun, deputy chief physician of abdominal surgery of the Cancer Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, said that in 1993, aflatoxin was designated as a class 1 carcinogen by the World Health Organization Cancer Research Institute. It is a highly toxic substance. One milligram is the carcinogenic dose. Aflatoxin is harmful to human and animal liver tissue, and can cause liver cancer or even death in severe cases. It is more common in foods with high starch content, such as peanuts and corn, because starch can breed Aspergillus flavus in high temperature and humid environment. Once you eat bitter or spicy nuts, you must immediately spit them out and rinse your mouth. Don't be lazy. Wooden chopsticks shall be replaced half a year or once a year. 03 Animal food poisoning Puffer fish, fish gall, snails, etc Puffer fish, fish gall and snails are also common foods that cause food poisoning. 1. puffer fish Fuzhou Evening News reported that a fisherman in Quanzhou caught several wild puffer fish when his fishing boat returned to Hong Kong. Half an hour after eating, the two people developed numbness in their limbs, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and soon had difficulty breathing and unconsciousness. There is no specific antidote for Fugu poisoning clinically. Fortunately, after treatment of "respiratory support" and "blood purification", both of them turned the corner. Guchuanling, a registered dietitian, explained that eating puffer fish may be fatal because it contains tetrodotoxin, specifically tetrodotoxin, tetrodotoxin, tetrodotoxin ovarian toxin and tetrodotoxin liver toxin. Among them, tetrodotoxin ovarian toxin is the most toxic. Its toxicity is 1000 times stronger than sodium cyanide, and about 0.5 mg will cause death. In addition, tetrodotoxin can not destroy its toxicity under boiling, salting and sun exposure. If the treatment is not in place, it may also be poisoned by eating dried tetrodotoxin. 2. fish gall Huang Ying, a nutritionist at Guangdong provincial industrial injury rehabilitation hospital, said that the main components of fish bile are: cholic acid, hydrocyanic acid, sodium cyprinol thioester, taurocholic acid, chenodeoxycholic acid, histamine, etc. hydrocyanic acid can inhibit the activity of more than 40 enzymes in the body, and sodium cyprinol thioester is the main component of carp bile. The fish bile toxin can directly act on the gastrointestinal tract to cause nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. After being absorbed, it can act on the liver and kidney of important target organs, causing swelling and necrosis of liver cells, renal failure, and finally multiple organ failure or even death. 3. textured screw On April 8, Quanzhou Municipal Oceanic and Fishery Bureau issued a reminder: From April to September every year, it is the flood season when the snails are flourishing. At the same time, it is also the time when their toxicity is the strongest. It is very easy to cause food poisoning. The main cause of poisoning is tetrodotoxin, which can cause dizziness, vomiting, numbness of lips and fingers, etc. Poisonous light textured snails. Picture from Quanzhou ocean and Fishery Bureau 04 Plant food poisoning String beans, wild mushrooms, day lily 1. uncooked green beans Liuhui and others from Chengdu Center for Disease Control and prevention in Sichuan Province pointed out in an article published in medical and health science and technology that one of the main pathogenic factors of plant-based food poisoning is kidney bean. Kidney bean is one of the main vegetables in autumn and winter in many regions of China. If it cannot be cooked thoroughly, the saponins and hemagglutinin contained in it cannot be destroyed, causing it to have a strong stimulating effect on the digestive tract, or damaging red blood cells, it can cause poisoning. 2. poisonous mushroom In June, 2021, an article published in the weekly (English) of China Center for Disease Control and prevention showed that between 2010 and 2020, 10036 food borne mushroom poisoning incidents were reported nationwide, resulting in 38676 diseases, 21967 hospitalizations and 788 deaths. Among them, Yunnan reported the largest number of poisoning incidents, diseases and deaths. Chenyunchao, director of the Department of critical medicine of Guangzhou twelfth people's Hospital, reminded us to prevent mushroom poisoning and not to pick or eat wild mushrooms by ourselves; The purchase of edible fungi must go to the formal market; In case of poisoning symptoms, induce vomiting as soon as possible and go to the hospital for treatment; If patients can carry leftover mushrooms, they can assist doctors in diagnosis and treatment. 3. fresh day lily Fresh cauliflower contains a toxin called colchicine. Eating more than 50g at a time can cause poisoning symptoms. It is best to eat treated and sun dried cauliflower, but you can't eat it in large quantities to "reduce uric acid". 05 Chemical poisoning Nitrite poisoning Chemical poisoning generally involves leftovers, pickles and pickles that are not cured, water polluted by chemicals, etc. Nitrite poisoning is a common chemical poisoning. 1. overnight leftovers According to the Xiaoxiang Morning Post, Changsha No. 1 hospital received a patient with food poisoning caused by eating overnight vegetables. The old man was diagnosed with nitrite poisoning. It is understood that the elderly often eat leftovers. On the morning of the incident, she ate overnight food: spinach and tofu. Although it was put into the refrigerator, the food still smelled a little, but I ate them all for fear of waste. This happened a few hours later. Zhushenhui, deputy chief physician of the emergency department of the first hospital of Changsha, Hunan Province, reminded that with the arrival of summer, food is more likely to deteriorate and rot. you should pay attention to eating fresh food. It is best to cook and eat meals now, and do not eat spoiled and rotten food. 2. pickled vegetables According to Shaoxing public channel, a 5-year-old girl in Zhejiang was hospitalized with nitrite poisoning after eating her own pickled vegetables. When the girl was sent to the hospital, her lips were purple and her nails were purple. After testing, her blood oxygen saturation was only 83%, and she had very obvious symptoms of hypoxia. Jiangfang, a nutritionist in the Clinical Nutrition Department of Subei people's Hospital, reminded that the nitrite content in pickles fluctuates regularly: the nitrite content is the highest in the first oneortwo weeks, and will be very low after 20~30 days. Don't worry about eating an appropriate amount. To avoid food poisoning, remember 5 sentences! 1. do not try any food that you are not familiar with, eat infrequently, or buy in an informal place. 2. throw away moldy food directly. Do not cut it off before eating. 3. the refrigerator is not a universal safe. It will break if it is kept for a long time. 4. special equipment and utensils, such as knives and meat cutting boards, shall be provided for processing raw food. 5. when processing meat, poultry, eggs, seafood and other foods, they should be cooked and thoroughly cooked. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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