Will jealousy lead to osteoporosis?


As a kind of seasoning, vinegar is deeply loved by everyone, not only because of its taste, but also because of its magical effect. If you eat too much greasy food and have some vinegar, you can get rid of the greasy food; Add vinegar to the cooking materials with strong fishy smell to remove the fishy smell and improve the taste. In addition to its culinary value, vinegar has high medicinal value. According to the existing written records, the working people in ancient China used wine as a starter to ferment and brew vinegar. Oriental vinegar originated in China. According to the literature, the history of brewing vinegar is at least 3000 years. However, it is said that vinegar is acidic and will dissolve and shed calcium in bones. So, can jealousy really lead to osteoporosis? Jealousy does not cause osteoporosis In the chemical reaction, acetic acid will indeed dissolve calcium carbonate, thus causing the loss of calcium. However, the vinegar we eat will be digested in the stomach and then absorbed by the intestines to generate carbon dioxide and water, rather than directly acting on human bones, so it will not cause the loss of calcium in our bones. And jealous not only does not increase the risk of osteoporosis, but can play a role in preventing osteoporosis. Because vinegar can help people with less stomach acid to turn insoluble calcium in food into ionic state, which is conducive to calcium absorption. In addition, some vinegar itself has a high calcium content. Every 100g of vinegar contains 125mg of calcium, which is about the same as that of milk. There are even studies that show that eating more vinegar in the daily diet can reduce the loss of urinary calcium. In addition, vinegar contains more antioxidants, which can delay the aging of blood vessels and prevent health problems caused by premature aging of blood vessels. For example, Shanxi has a tradition and habit of being jealous since ancient times because of its hard water quality. A survey shows that Shanxi people do not have an increased risk of osteoporosis due to jealousy. Understanding of vinegar in traditional Chinese Medicine Vinegar was not only a condiment in ancient times, but also often used in the treatment of diseases. In fact, the early state of medicine is closely related to "you" (i.e. wine), and the ancient word of medicine is "medicine". "ShuoWenJieZi · youbu" said: "wine is why it cures diseases." As vinegar derived from aged wine, traditional Chinese medicine has not neglected its medicinal value. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records the types of vinegar in detail, and discusses the medicinal value of vinegar in many places. In compendium of Materia Medica Volume II 15, it is written that "(vinegar) is defined as vinegar, acyl, and bitter wine. Taohongjing said that vinegar and wine are used everywhere, and the longer they last, the better. It is also called acyl. It has a bitter taste, and the common people call bitter wine. The Dan family also added a residue, which is called Huachi and Zuowei." Think vinegar is a kind of bitter wine, the older the better. He also said, "Liu Xi's Shi Ming said that vinegar can be used to deal with food poisoning. In ancient Chinese, the word 'sorrel' was often used. He also proposed that vinegar has the function of" detoxification ". In the compendium of Materia Medica, Volume 4 and 15, it is also written that "dispel all the heat, treat stomach qi, regulate meridians, eliminate food, and eat with vinegar". Wangshixiong of the Qing Dynasty also described the same medical effects of vinegar in his diet Manual of suixiju: "vinegar is warm. It can appetize, nourish the liver, strengthen the tendons, warm the bones, sober up, eliminate food, lower the Qi, ward off evil spirits, and detoxify fish and crab scales. It tastes good after a long time." According to textual research, "bitter wine" in the famous prescription "bitter wine soup" in Treatise on febrile diseases is ancient vinegar. Bitter wine soup is composed of Pinellia ternata, egg white and bitter wine. It is used to treat the diseases of "pharyngeal slander, sore and inability to speak". It is similar to the current severe pharyngitis. People needing attention 1. gastric ulcer patients should not be jealous Vinegar itself is rich in organic acids. At the same time, it will stimulate the stomach to secrete a large amount of gastric acid. Too much gastric acid will corrode the gastric mucosa of patients with gastric ulcer and aggravate the condition of the ulcer. Therefore, people with gastric ulcer should not be jealous, and people with too much stomach acid should also not be jealous. 2. don't be jealous on an empty stomach No matter how strong your stomach is, try not to be jealous on an empty stomach, so as not to stimulate a large amount of gastric acid secretion and cause damage to the stomach wall. 3. people taking anti gastric acid drugs should not be jealous Aluminum hydroxide, aluminum magnesium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate and other drugs for the treatment of excessive gastric acid are alkaline, so you can't be jealous when taking these drugs. Because the acetic acid in the vinegar will neutralize the alkalinity of the drug and reduce or even make it lose its efficacy. In addition, people who take anti gastric acid drugs have too much gastric acid secretion, and vinegar will stimulate gastric acid secretion, thus aggravating the disease. 4. patients with oral ulcer should not be jealous Oral ulcer is an inflammatory disease of oral mucosa, which is mainly manifested as epithelial damage of oral mucosa. At this time, vinegar will stimulate the mucosa and aggravate the damage of oral mucosa. To achieve the goal of restoring "bone strength", but also make a modest contribution to the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis and healthy China. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Huang Huiqun    Responsible editor:Huang Tianxin


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