A child's tendency to cry may be a mental illness


Recently, a 12-year-old Xiao Yong, who is in Grade 6 of primary school, came to Chengdu Fourth People's hospital. Xiao Yong's parents said that no matter facing adults or children of the same age, if someone's tone is a little fierce, he will not only shed tears, but also become a crying voice. The most obvious one was that the teacher criticized him and several classmates for something. Only Xiao Yong cried loudly. Teachers and students are very strange. Xiao Yong is indeed introverted, but he won't cry for a word or two of criticism. Ding Qiang, a psychotherapist at the psychosomatic medical center of Chengdu fourth hospital, believes that Xiaoyong's performance is likely to evolve into depression or anxiety if his parents do not send him for treatment in time. The reporter learned that "tear incontinence" is essentially an emotional runaway. It describes that whenever you quarrel with someone or get a little excited, you can't help crying. Obviously, it's not a thing worth crying. I'm not too wronged. I just argue with reason, but as soon as the mood comes up, the voice slowly becomes a crying cavity. "We can judge whether there is a problem that someone's emotion is out of control through horizontal and vertical dimensions." Ding Qiang explained that horizontally, for example, if a group of people are criticized at the same time, whether there is an emotional performance different from others. If so, this special individual may have the problem of seeking medical treatment. Vertically, for example, he didn't collapse when he was excited, but now this situation shows that he also needs medical treatment. "'tear incontinence 'is not only the continuous flow of tears, but also the out of control of emotions, such as sudden anger and sadness." Ding Qiang said that now "tear incontinence" is getting younger and younger, and patients aged 12 or 13 like Xiao Yong have become "regular visitors" to see a doctor. Ding Qiang believes that the reasons are complicated. The post-80s and post-90s who have generally received higher education have higher requirements for their children; There are also left behind children who encounter this psychological pressure. Their parents are not around all year round, and their children are less and less willing to pour out their feelings; In addition, they often encounter negation from their elders. Over time, children are timid and don't like to tell But Ding Qiang also said that the constitution of "tear incontinence" does not represent a person's vulnerability and affectation. Don't let such labels bring more pressure and negative impact to children. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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