Eggs, duck eggs, quail eggs, which one is more nutritious?


In life, we often encounter eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, quail eggs, pigeon eggs and so on. Scrambled eggs, salted duck eggs and salted quail eggs are also some of the delicacies on the table. As we all know, egg food is rich in nutrition and diversified in cooking methods. So, what is the difference between eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs and quail eggs? What's the difference between eggs, duck eggs and quail eggs? Nutrition Through comparison, it can be found that there is little nutritional difference between eggs, and the amount of protein is almost about 13g / 100g. Among them, the lowest protein content is egg, which is 12g / 100g; Pigeon eggs have the highest protein content, but the content is only about 14g / 100g. Therefore, there is little nutritional difference between various eggs, so there is no need to pursue a certain one excessively. Fat (quantity) There are also some differences in the fat (amount) contained in different eggs: under the same quality, duck eggs contain the most fat (14g / 100g) and eggs contain the least fat (8.8g / 100g). Vitamins There are also differences in vitamin content among several egg products. As for vitamin D, the content of vitamin D in eggs can reach 80 international units, which is almost 30% higher than other eggs. Then compare vitamin B12, which is slightly higher in duck eggs and goose eggs. In addition, there is little difference between vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin K in various eggs, so there is no need to tangle. Moreover, because the amount of eggs and other eggs eaten in a single day (time) in life is very limited, they themselves are not the main food source for vitamins we recommend. Mineral aspect Many people care about the iron element in eggs, but the iron content in eggs is very small (1.8mg / 100g), and the iron content in other eggs is almost the same. As for calcium, the calcium content of several eggs is about 60mg / 100g, and the supplement effect is fairly good. Let's look at zinc. Except for the high content in fire eggs, other egg products are almost the same (about 1.3% to 1.6%). To sum up, there is little difference in the doses of various nutrients contained in different eggs. No matter eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, quail eggs, pigeon eggs and ostrich eggs, there is no essential difference in the types of nutrients, and the content of nutrients is almost the same. Therefore, I would like to remind you: Rumors on the Internet about "eating eggs to treat hypertension", "eating quail eggs to prevent asthma" and "goose eggs to remove spots" are unreliable and unreliable. Why are some eggs so expensive? According to the market situation, the price of pigeon eggs, ostrich eggs, turtle eggs and other eggs is high. In fact, the high selling price has nothing to do with the nutritional value, only because the breeding cost of these eggs is high and the output is less. Therefore, remind everyone to treat rationally. How do different people eat eggs? Ordinary people should eat an appropriate amount of eggs, and special people can eat more eggs: For healthy people, on the basis of ensuring adequate intake of high-quality protein such as meat and milk, it is recommended to eat an egg (about 50g) or other eggs with roughly the same weight every day. For pregnant expectant mothers, nursing mothers, people who are exercising and growing muscles, people who exercise a lot every day, and growing school-age children (adolescents), on the premise that there are no problems with blood lipid and blood pressure, the intake of eggs can be appropriately increased (2 or 3 a day). In addition, you should pay attention to the following points when eating eggs: Pay attention to egg yolk and try to finish a whole egg. Some people are worried about the cholesterol contained in egg yolk. In fact, there is no evidence that "eating more cholesterol will harm the body", and the dietary guidelines for Chinese residents have abolished the limit of cholesterol in their daily diet. Egg yolk is better than egg white and is superior in lecithin, vitamins, minerals such as calcium, iron and zinc. Therefore, eating eggs should be treated scientifically. Although the varieties of eggs are different, the nutritional difference is not big. (Xinhua News Agency)

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