Qingming health care focuses on protecting and nourishing the liver


The climate is changeable before and after the Qingming Festival. Gao Gong, director of the Nutrition Department of the Affiliated Hospital of the Municipal Academy of traditional Chinese medicine, reminded the public that it is necessary to prevent hypertension and allergic diseases during this season, and pay attention to protecting and nourishing the liver in terms of health preservation. Gao Gong said that before and after the Qingming Festival, the liver Yang is hyperactive, which is prone to headache, dizziness and high blood pressure. The diet should be light and less salt. Eat more foods that nourish yin and lungs, soften liver and nourish yin, and reduce blood pressure, such as black fungus, tremella, lily, chrysanthemum, celery, jujube, honey, chrysanthemum, etc. In addition, during the Qingming Festival, flowers bloom in full bloom and the wind is strong, which will cause allergic reaction with pollen as the main allergen. People with allergic constitution should pay attention to protection. For health, health care should be done before and after Tomb Sweeping Day. Liver should be eaten as the main body. Food should be eaten with soft liver, such as shepherd's purse, spinach, yam, japonica rice, sesame, peanut, red bean, glutinous rice, egg, etc. He also suggested that citizens can often cook fried jellyfish, parsley and rape Flammulina velutipes before and after the Qingming Festival, which have the effects of clearing heat and calming the liver, promoting water and reducing blood pressure, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, benefiting intelligence and brain. Lei Chunxiang Raw materials of fried jellyfish and parsley: 300g jellyfish, 200g parsley and 50g red pepper. Accessories: 20g vegetable oil, appropriate amount of pepper, salt and chicken essence. Practice: wash the jellyfish skin (head), shred it (not too fine), change water and soak it for 3 hours, blanch it in boiling water, and cool it with cold water. Cut celery into inch sections and red pepper into shreds. Fry the pepper in hot oil, remove it, stir fry the celery section and colored pepper shreds, and then stir fry the jellyfish, salt and chicken essence on a plate. Rape Flammulina velutipes raw materials: 250g Flammulina velutipes and 200g rape. Auxiliary materials: 15g vegetable oil, appropriate amount of onion, ginger, salt, monosodium glutamate, broth (or water) and Shuidian powder. Practice: blanch Flammulina velutipes with water to keep its shape for standby. Blanch the rape with salt and monosodium glutamate, and season the code on the plate for standby. Sit in the pot, put vegetable oil. After the oil is hot, cook a little onion and ginger in the pan, put the broth (or water) to boil, put the neatly stacked Flammulina velutipes, cover the pot and stew for a while, season with salt and monosodium glutamate, thicken with an appropriate amount of water starch, turn a large spoon, and put it on the rape on the plate. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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