Acute gout attack first learn "self-help"


It's not a serious disease, just gout! But it hurts. It's absolutely deadly! What are you waiting for? Come and learn the "self-help" method of gout attack from the doctor. The pain of gout can reach level 10 "Doctor, help me! My foot is dying of pain and I want to cut it off!" "Doctor! Can you show me first? I can't stand the pain!" …… In the gout clinic, you may have encountered such a scene, a young man as strong as a mountain crying, one foot sneakers, one foot slippers, leaning on crutches and even entering the consulting room in a wheelchair. The doctor predicted: This is gout! Those who haven't received or accompanied to see a doctor must mutter in their heart: which one is this? What serious illness did you have? Patients who have experienced the same experience have a sad heart: who knows the taste! The acute attack of gout is a sudden severe pain in the joint. The degree of pain quickly reaches the peak within a few hours. The nature of pain is like knife cutting, like fire, dare not touch, very painful. When gout is acute, the pain can reach grade 10. Grade 10 pain is the pain of cutting meat and bones, and the degree can be imagined. Three pronged approach to suppress the pain Understanding the basic knowledge of how to deal with acute gout attack can help patients reduce some pain in the dead of night, unbearable pain and tossing and turning. Today, I'll teach you some ways to relieve pain when gout has an acute attack. Of course, the pain is relieved. Don't forget to see a doctor in time. Diet: strictly limit the intake of purine, choose low purine food, and prohibit high purine food, such as animal viscera, crustacean seafood, dried fish, thick broth, etc; Maintain basic calories and absorb carbohydrates, protein and fat in a balanced way. Take enough water and drink more than 2000 ml of water every day to promote uric acid excretion. Eat more vegetables and fruits to provide rich vitamin B, vitamin C and minerals. It is forbidden to drink alcohol and eat irritant food. Limit salt. The daily amount of salt should not exceed 10g, preferably 5 to 6G per day. Keep the patient's joints on the bed to avoid excessive rest, and keep the patient's joints on the side of the bed to avoid excessive pain. During acute attack, absolute bed rest until 72 hours after pain relief. Keep your joints warm and avoid cold stimulation. Remove the inducing factors in time. Most patients have stress, tension and anxiety, and gout is easy to be induced in case of mental trauma. We should relax our spirit, combine work and rest, ensure sleep, and live regularly to eliminate all kinds of psychological pressure. Medicine: detumescence and pain relief is the king's way. In case of acute attack of gout, the first principle of medication is to do our best - detumescence and pain relief, and put out the fire on your feet! Commonly used drugs include allopurinol, which is a drug to inhibit the formation of uric acid. It should start from a small dose, pay attention to adverse reactions, and regularly check blood routine, liver and kidney function. Benzbromarone is a drug to promote uric acid excretion. It is forbidden for patients with kidney stones and renal insufficiency. It needs to be matched with soda tablets to drink more water and urinate more. Febustat is a relatively new type of uric acid lowering drug, which inhibits uric acid synthesis. Its adverse reactions are relatively few, and there is no fatal hypersensitivity reaction. It is necessary to check liver function regularly. In addition, let's introduce the characteristics of the following drugs. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: oral administration of Lesong, Votalin, Fenbid and other drugs until the pain is completely relieved and stopped 1 week later. Glucocorticoid: for those with severe symptoms in the acute phase, it can be used orally, intramuscularly, intravenously or intra-articular injection to quickly control inflammation. Colchicine: it has great side effects. At present, it is rarely used as the first-line drug for acute gout attack. It is often used as a preventive drug in the process of reducing uric acid. Uric acid lowering drugs: under effective preventive treatment, uric acid lowering treatment can be started in the acute stage. Moreover, uric acid lowering treatment should be lifelong. Intermittent treatment or stopping treatment will lead to repeated attacks of gout. These wrong practices are purely "pit" themselves In the process of clinical treatment, we found that many people know little about gout and often make their own decisions, resulting in the delay of acute gout, or taking drugs that are not suitable for them (all drugs have their indications and contraindications), resulting in serious side effects. Therefore, all patients must go to the outpatient department of Rheumatology and immunology, and ask professional doctors to give you professional help to stay away from the trouble of gout. Wrong practice 1 in order to relieve pain, self-treatment, the most common wrong practice is massage and hot compress! In fact, massage and hot compress will aggravate symptoms, but lead to increased pain! Do not try. Wrong practice 2 some patients go to the drugstore to buy drugs when they are uncomfortable, or listen to others say "my so and so friend will take this drug, OK" and treat themselves. This is a very wrong practice. Taking inappropriate drugs at an inappropriate time turns small problems into big trouble! Do not take medicine by yourself. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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