Five departments including the China Association for science and technology and the Ministry of education will promote the construction of a "study style conservation studio"


The China Association for science and technology, the Ministry of education, the Communist Youth League Central Committee, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of engineering recently jointly issued the notice on printing and distributing the work arrangement of "the backbone of the Republic - the publicity project of famous schools of scientific masters" in 2022 (hereinafter referred to as the notice). The notice said that in order to carry forward the spirit of scientists and cultivate a good style of study, the five departments will jointly promote the construction of a "style of study conservation studio" and create a "wind inspired learning forest" social media platform. "Backbone of the Republic - famous school of scientific masters publicity project" is a scientist themed publicity activity launched by China Association for science and technology. The project continues to support the creation of excellent works with the theme of the spirit of scientists, and encourages local science and technology associations, education departments (Education commissions) and Youth League committees to support and recommend a number of theme plays of outstanding scientists on campus in various forms, so as to promote the formation of a good social atmosphere to carry forward the spirit of scientists. It is understood that the extensive construction of "study style conservation studio" will also be regarded as an important measure to carry forward the spirit of scientists, cultivate the soul and strengthen the foundation with the spirit of scientists. The notice shows that the five departments will consolidate the achievements of publicity project experience, widely establish a number of "study style conservation studios" in Colleges and universities, support young students to create more well-made theme products and innovate talent training forms. As the first youth cultural community and video platform with the theme of "style of study", by the end of December 2021, "Fengqi learning forest" had more than 10000 registered users, involving 255 colleges and universities, and gathered more than 2700 works and trends of all kinds of style of study. The notice shows that the five departments will carefully build a "wind inspired learning forest" social media platform, focus on promoting the spirit of scientists, building a good style of study, provide a virtual square for youth groups to communicate, discuss and share, meet the needs of generation Z young students, and make young people truly become learning subjects, communication subjects and practice subjects. At the same time, the five departments will also enrich the online communication content of the spirit of scientists: continue to enrich the online ideological and political content with the theme plays of excellent scientists, widely organize young students to watch the "cloud theater" by using the first lesson of school, vigorously support the creation of micro video, build an all media communication platform, and expand the communication power and influence of the theme high-quality plays of scientists. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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