Informatization helps Rural Revitalization


Rural Revitalization is a systematic project, which requires complete allocation of various elements and coordinated linkage of various functions, including information construction. Strengthening the function of agricultural and rural informatization can provide strong support for agricultural and rural modernization. Recently, the Ministry of agriculture and rural areas has specially issued the national agricultural and rural informatization development plan for the 14th five year plan (hereinafter referred to as the plan), making special arrangements for the development of agricultural and rural informatization in the next five years. Agricultural and rural informatization includes the popularization and development of modern network, digital technology, communication engineering, big data application and other information technologies. The realization path is to realize the rational allocation of resource elements, promote the development of rural productivity and improve farmers' production and life style through the sharing and sharing of social information technology. In this sense, to strengthen the integrated development of urban and rural areas, to a large extent, is to promote the balanced development of urban and rural informatization, so as to drive the inclusive and balanced development of urban and rural elements, accelerate the process of modernization and realize the common prosperity of urban and rural areas. Needless to say, agricultural and rural informatization is the weakness of modernization, and the task is heavy and arduous. First, the overall construction of rural information infrastructure is weak. Many rural informatization infrastructure not only has the hard injury problems of "lack, poor, low and inferior", but also has insufficient system construction such as maintenance and management, and the phenomenon of "one-time construction, perennial inspection failure" is not uncommon. Second, the level of rural social informatization public service is low. Restricted by the factors of high cost and low efficiency of rural information construction, the quality of rural information service is significantly different from that of cities. The software problems of facilities or poor service and low level have also become a major factor hindering the development of agricultural and rural information. Therefore, we must consolidate the development foundation and strengthen the construction of agricultural and rural information infrastructure. At the same time, we should also focus on the following aspects. Select the right breakthrough and vigorously develop modern information-based agricultural industry. Rural development should be based on industrial development. The development of rural industry is the development of agricultural industry first. The continuous emergence of modern agricultural information industry has played a boosting and leading role in rural social informatization, and has become the engine to guide the development of rural informatization. To speed up the development of agricultural and rural informatization, we should take the agricultural informatization industry as a breakthrough, cast the highland of rural informatization development and form a radiation driving effect. On this basis, by enhancing the intelligent and digital technology content of agricultural industry, improve the informatization degree of agricultural industry from production to consumption, and promote the development of digital agriculture and smart agriculture. Improve information coverage and strengthen the deep integration of modern information technology and social governance. The development of agricultural informatization requires rural informatization to adapt to it, which puts forward higher requirements for the modernization of rural governance. It is necessary to promote the continuous improvement of rural governance informatization coverage. This improvement is reflected in two aspects. On the one hand, informatization development not only promotes grass-roots governments and autonomous organizations to continuously improve the intelligent governance level of sunshine government and village affairs, service interconnection and accurate application of big data, but also helps farmers to continuously enhance their informatization literacy. On the other hand, the efficiency of fast, convenient and efficient information governance has been extended to every field of rural life in an unprecedented situation, and the degree of rural social informatization has been significantly improved. Nowadays, digital village is favored by more and more people, which is an example. Strengthen the roots and strengthen the foundation, and strengthen the training of rural informatization talents. Greatly improving farmers' information literacy is the root of rural information development. The main body of rural informatization construction is farmers. Without a rural main body with high informatization literacy, there can be no healthy and sustainable development of rural informatization. To speed up the development of rural informatization, we must strengthen the cultivation of informatization talents. We should combine the needs of rural production and life and the actual needs of farmers, and explore and form an effective training mode of rural informatization talents through the construction of carriers such as smart agriculture, modern agricultural industrial chain and digital village. Combined with the production and living needs of ensuring food security, openness of village affairs and government affairs, safe rural construction and rural civilization construction, a large number of information technology talents meeting the needs of Rural Revitalization have been trained in a planned way, so as to lay a solid talent support for the development of agricultural and rural informatization. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Huang Huiqun    Responsible editor:Luo Meihua


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