Develop county industries to enrich the people and consolidate the foundation of common prosperity


The income gap between urban and rural residents in China is a prominent manifestation of the unbalanced development of urban and rural areas and the insufficient development of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". Promoting farmers' common prosperity in rural areas is still the most arduous and arduous task to promote common prosperity. In 2022, No. 1 central document explicitly requested "vigorously develop the county's rich industry" and regard it as an important content of "focusing on industry to promote rural development". To vigorously develop the county people enriching industry, we should not only take a long-term view and attach great importance to the importance and urgency of developing the county people enriching industry, but also broaden our vision, promote the high-quality development of the county people enriching industry to achieve results, and consolidate the foundation for promoting the common prosperity of farmers in rural areas. Broaden the development ideas of enriching people's industries in the county. Adhere to the two wheel drive of new urbanization and rural revitalization, give play to the strategic platform function of urban agglomeration and metropolitan area, and promote the coordinated and integrated development of urban and rural industries. Support large and medium-sized cities, especially the core cities of the metropolitan area and the cascade node cities of the urban agglomeration, ease the orderly transfer of industries to the county, extend the supporting service capacity to the county, support and promote the integration and development of large and medium-sized urban enterprises with small and micro enterprises in the county, and cultivate the gradient development of urban and rural enterprises and the collaborative relationship of industrial chain. We will combine encouraging urban service industry to drive the transformation and development of rural service industry with encouraging the integrated development of rural primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and cultivate a new pattern of urban-rural integrated development driven by urban-rural and industrial integration. Encourage urban talents to go to the countryside and drive the growth of rural talents and industrial revitalization. Give play to the role of digital economy in identifying demand, improving supply and linking supply and demand, encourage County industries to innovate supply, and better guide and stimulate new consumption demand in urban and rural areas. Cultivate the competitive advantage of county industry. Guide the county industry based on resource advantages and development basis, face the market demand, cultivate industrial characteristics and competitive advantages, and promote the formation of the development pattern of "one Township, one product" and "one county, one industry" of county industry. We will accelerate the implementation of the policy of giving priority to the development of agriculture and rural areas, innovate and improve rural industrial support policies, promote their better compatibility with the industrial attributes and development requirements of rural enterprises, and radiate and drive farmers to obtain employment and increase income locally and nearby. We will implement the growth project for rural entrepreneurs and the weakness patching project for the construction of county-level business environment, and encourage urban public services and network platforms to extend services to rural market entities. Encourage county market players to strengthen the development of market segments, characteristic markets and niche markets, and cultivate rural industries that have more comparative advantages in county development, are easier to form the ability to radiate and drive agriculture and rural areas, and are easier to bear the local and nearby employment and income increase of farmers. Innovate fiscal and financial support policies, strengthen medium - and long-term financial support for county industrial market entities, help rural enterprises better cope with the instability and uncertainty of the operating environment, effectively prevent the risk of capital chain rupture, and enhance the ability of sustainable development. Improve the innovation and development capacity of county industries. In combination with strengthening planning guidance, encourage County industries to jump out of the traditional development mode of one-sided pursuit of scale expansion, promote appropriate development, and overcome the problems of homogeneous competition and overcapacity. Encourage the cultivation of new industries, new business forms and new models, and give priority to supporting their integration and coordinated development with traditional industries in the county. It will guide the e-commerce platform and the "Internet plus" to enhance the supply and demand of links, matching supply and resource agglomeration, integrating elements and serving energy, enhancing the transformation and innovation development ability of county industries. We will promote innovation and entrepreneurship at the grass-roots level, focus on advantageous and characteristic industrial chains, and promote the integrated development of industrial chains and innovation chains. Encourage industry associations, industrial alliances, leading enterprises and special commissioners of science and technology to play a role, create a "vanguard" to enhance the ability of industrial innovation, cultivate "leading geese" to transform scientific and technological innovation into industrial innovation, and consolidate the "backbone support" to enhance the competitiveness of county industries. Strengthen the node function of county industrial development. County industries should be guided to develop intensively in the county, especially in industrial parks and industrial clusters. Encourage the establishment of specialized small, medium-sized and micro enterprise clusters and characteristic industrial parks by relying on the central towns and villages with conditions and comparative advantages, and guide the development of characteristic industrial clusters. Encourage key or characteristic villages to rely on local talents, traditional skills and characteristic culture, develop rural workshops, family factories and courtyard economy, develop characteristic cultural products and handicrafts with rural charm and market competitiveness, and consolidate the foundation of driving farmers' common prosperity in rural areas. Improve the interest connection mechanism of county industry linking agriculture with agriculture. Improving the interest connection mechanism of linking agriculture with agriculture and guiding the achievements of county industrial development to better benefit farmers' employment, increase income and improve energy is conducive to giving full play to the main role of farmers in promoting rural revitalization. We should promote the transformation of beautiful villages and good governance villages into beautiful economy and people-friendly economy. Guide leading enterprises and other market entities to strengthen risk prevention, cultivate the awareness of integrity and social responsibility, and enhance the ability to resist natural and market risks. Encourage leading enterprises to cooperate with farmers' cooperatives, rural service organizations and other rural market entities to enhance the ability of county industries to cope with environmental changes and market risks. Strengthen the negative list management of county industrial development, guide urban enterprises and foreign capital to develop their strengths and avoid weaknesses, pursue advantages and avoid disadvantages, and form a mutually beneficial and win-win relationship. Promote the appropriate priority development of agricultural related industries in the county, and enhance the local embeddedness and risk resistance of county industries. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Huang Huiqun    Responsible editor:Luo Meihua

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