Speaking of democracy, China has confidence and confidence


"China's democracy is people's democracy, and people's ownership is the essence and core of China's democracy." "Democracy is diverse and the world is colorful." "The sunshine of democracy shines on the land of China, and the Chinese people enjoy extensive, full, real, specific and effective democracy." …… On December 4, 2021, the Information Office of the State Council issued the white paper "democracy in China", which comprehensively summarized the remarkable achievements made in China's democratic development and deeply explained the value concept, system and procedure, participation practice and world significance of socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics. Once the white paper was released, it attracted wide attention. The broad masses of cadres and people and people of insight abroad said: "speaking of democracy, China has self-confidence and confidence!" Marx and Engels solemnly declared in the Communist Manifesto: "the proletarian movement is an independent movement for the vast majority of people and for the interests of the vast majority of people." The Communist Party of China always represents the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, has no special interests of its own, and never represents the interests of any interest group, any power group or any privileged class. The leadership of the Communist Party of China is to support and ensure that the people are masters of the country. People's democracy is the banner always held high by the Communist Party of China. In 1921, the founding of the Communist Party of China lit up the light of China's democracy. Once the Communist Party of China was born, it established seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation as its original heart and mission, and made unremitting exploration and struggle to realize the people's ownership of the country. From the "bean election", "three-thirds system" to the people's Congress system, the Communist Party of China held high the banner of people's democracy and led the people to become the masters of the country in a country with thousands of years of feudal history and a semi colonial and semi feudal society in modern times. The Chinese people have truly become the masters of the country, society and their own destiny, and people's democracy has continued to develop. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. *** The political situation of stability and unity has been consolidated and developed, which has inspired and condensed the great strength of the Chinese people in the struggle for a new era. The covid-19 led the people to unite and lead the people, to achieve major strategic achievements in combating the new crown pneumonia epidemic situation, to solve the problem of absolute poverty in a historical way, to build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, to resolve a series of major risks, to open a new course of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, and to move towards the common prosperity of all the people. In the final analysis, whether China's democracy works or not depends on whether the Chinese people are satisfied and whether the Chinese people support it. Data show that in recent years, the Chinese people's satisfaction with the Chinese government has remained at more than 90% every year, which is the most true reflection of the strong vitality of China's democracy. The two national sessions being held are a vivid practice of people's democracy in the whole process. *** Without democracy, there will be no socialism, no socialist modernization, and no great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation; Second, people's ownership is the essence and core of socialist democratic politics. The development of socialist democratic politics is to reflect the people's will, protect the people's rights and interests, stimulate the people's creative vitality, and ensure the people's ownership with the system; Third, the political development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the correct path in line with China's national conditions and ensuring that the people are the masters of the country. It is the inevitable result of the historical logic, theoretical logic and practical logic of the Chinese people's long-term struggle since modern times. It is the inevitable requirement of adhering to the party's essential attribute and practicing the party's fundamental purpose; Fourth, the exercise of rights by the people through elections and voting, and full consultation among all parties within the people before major decisions, so as to reach consensus on common issues as far as possible, are two important forms of China's socialist democracy, which together constitute the institutional characteristics and advantages of China's socialist democratic politics; Fifth, the key to developing socialist democratic politics is to give full play to the characteristics and advantages of China's socialist democratic politics, constantly promote the institutionalization, standardization and procedure of socialist democratic politics, and provide a more perfect institutional guarantee for the prosperity and long-term stability of the party and the country. History and reality have fully proved that China's democratic development path has truly realized that the people are the masters of the country. It is a real, effective and successful democracy. China's democratic path is feasible and well taken, and the Chinese people will unswervingly follow this path. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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