Sea cucumber, jellyfish and pig blood are not taboos


If gout patients eat "too indulgent", it is likely to be followed by high blood uric acid and red, swollen, hot and painful big toes. Therefore, adhering to a low purine diet has always been the core medical advice. But if gout patients are completely insulated from meat dishes, it is unlikely. In fact, some meat dishes are suitable for people with gout and hyperuricemia. ● sea cucumber Sea cucumber is a low purine food. Every 100g sea cucumber contains only 4.2mg purine, even lower than the purine content of some vegetables and fruits. The normal consumption of sea cucumber in gout patients will not aggravate the condition and cause the increase of blood uric acid. In addition, existing studies have found that sea cucumber is rich in proteins, polysaccharides, peptides, saponins, zinc, selenium and other trace elements, which can enhance the body's immunity. Recommended Recipes: Braised sea cucumber with scallion, sea cucumber egg soup, sea cucumber millet porridge, cold sea cucumber ● jellyfish Like sea cucumbers, jellyfish also belong to low purine food. The purine content of jellyfish per 100g is about 9.3mg, which is lower than that of rice. Jellyfish is rich in nutritional value and its fat content is very low, but it is rich in protein and inorganic salts. It is a nutritious food with high protein, low fat and low calories. Jellyfish also contains substances similar to acetylcholine that can dilate blood vessels and reduce blood pressure, as well as mannan gum, which has a certain effect on the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. Recommended Recipes: mixed jellyfish with three shreds, jellyfish with sauce, fried jellyfish with celery ● pig blood Pig blood is a low purine food. Generally, it will not cause the increase of blood uric acid and the attack of gout after eating. The proportion of amino acids in pig blood is close to that in human body, and it is rich in iron, which is easy to be digested and absorbed by human body. In addition, inorganic salts such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium and rich trace elements such as zinc and copper in pig blood can improve human immunity and anti-aging. Recommended Recipes: fried pig blood with green garlic, porridge with pig blood, fried pig blood with zucchini, cold pig blood (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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