Many colleges and universities stopped recruiting high-level art troupes in advance


Recently, Central South University and the University of foreign economic relations and Trade issued a notice announcing that no high-level art troupe will be recruited from 2022, which aroused great concern of candidates and parents. In September 2021, the Ministry of education requested that high-level art troupes in Colleges and universities no longer be selected from the enrollment link of colleges and universities from 2024. The reporter's investigation found that although there are still two years before the time required by the Ministry of education, more than 10 colleges and universities have announced to stop the enrollment of high-level art troupes in recent years. "Another school has stopped enrollment" and "there are fewer schools that can apply this year"... Now it is the peak period for high-level art troupes in Colleges and universities. In some registration groups, the parents of candidates are discussing warmly every day. It is understood that the orientation of the Ministry of education for high-level art troupes in Colleges and universities is: Based on promoting aesthetic education in Colleges and universities, activating campus cultural life, and undertaking the tasks of campus art and culture popularization and foreign exchange and performance; It mainly recruits the chief performer of the Art Troupe or members of the art troupe of relevant professional projects with high requirements for early childhood achievement. In order to ensure the fairness of enrollment, the guidance on Further Strengthening and improving the enrollment of Art Majors in Colleges and universities issued by the Ministry of education proposes that from 2024, high-level art troupes in Colleges and universities will no longer be selected from the enrollment link of colleges and universities. At present, some colleges and universities have implemented it in advance. In 2022, with the approval of the Ministry of education, 53 colleges and universities can recruit high-level art troupes nationwide. The reporter found that at present, more than 30 universities such as Peking University, Tsinghua University and Renmin University of China still released the recruitment brochures of high-level art troupes, while Central South University and the University of foreign economic relations and trade suspended the recruitment of high-level art troupes from 2022, and more than 10 universities such as sun Yat sen University, China University of political science and law and China Agricultural University stopped enrollment in 2021 or even earlier. Xiong Bingqi, President of 21st Century Education Development Research Institute, said that the Ministry of Education issued Reform Opinions in 2021 and set the time node as 2024, which is in line with the basic principle of "knowing early in three years" followed by major education reform and education policy adjustment. The purpose is to give schools, students and parents a period of adaptation and adjustment. Some experts believe that the adjustment and arrangement of some colleges and universities is based on their own school running practice and the result of necessity and other considerations, which is unified with the policy guidance. "Some colleges and universities stop enrollment in advance, which can be understood as the autonomy of colleges and universities." Xiong Bingqi said that those candidates who took the suspension school as the target school were the most affected. Many insiders said that there are early signs for colleges and universities to stop enrollment of high-level art troupes. In recent years, the enrollment policy has been continuously tightened. The Ministry of education has successively issued notices to continuously reform and improve the enrollment methods of high-level art troupes in Colleges and universities. Since 2018, pilot colleges and universities that have opened art majors will no longer separately recruit art specialty students of corresponding professional projects; Art, calligraphy, broadcasting and hosting should not be included in the enrollment scope of the art troupe; Vigorously strengthen the selection and training of art troupe members from ordinary students, so that they can gradually become the main body of high-level art troupes in Colleges and universities; From 2020, the preferential measures for "a very small number of candidates with outstanding test results of art troupes" to further reduce the admission requirements of culture courses will be cancelled follow Why does the enrollment policy of high-level art troupe attract widespread attention? Chen Zhiwen, a member of the expert group of the National Education Examination Commission, said that the core of the policy adjustment of the high-level art troupe has always been to ensure fairness. The reporter learned from the investigation that over the years, in the eyes of some candidates and parents, the high-level art troupe is a shortcut to "reduce the score of famous schools". The preferential policy for admission of qualified candidates of high-level art troupes in Colleges and universities is generally within 20 points below the final simulated filing line of the same subject in the same batch of undergraduate students in the province of origin; In the provinces with comprehensive reform of college entrance examination, preferential scores are converted according to the situation. Yinuo (a pseudonym), who was admitted to a "double first-class" university through the enrollment of high-level art troupe last year, said: "I have learned musical instruments since I was a child. There is a certain gap between the scores of cultural courses and '985' universities. I know that high-level art troupe can be admitted with reduced scores. I began to prepare after high school and finally achieved my wish." However, shortcuts are not necessarily easy to take. Individual students who rely on this enrollment policy are physically and mentally exhausted in order to balance art specialty training and studies. In addition, a few years ago, some high-level art troupes in Colleges and universities were exposed to operate secretly and engage in malpractices for personal gain, which made this policy much criticized. "The change of policy is not to block the door for the advancement of artistic talents, but to ensure fairness and justice and block the door of risk." Chen Zhiwen believes that some high-level art troupes have the risk of "making up for the number". The art troupe is a collective project. The professional level of individuals often depends on the judgment of a few people, and its restriction mechanism has always been a difficult problem. "Canceling the selection from the enrollment link and selecting and cultivating from the students on campus not only demolishes the 'springboard' of this famous school, but also conforms to the original intention of building a high-level art troupe, and helps to promote the art education and high-quality talent training of the University." Xiong Bingqi said. What impact does the suspension of high-level art troupes have on Colleges and universities and specialty students? A number of teachers in charge of the high school art troupe said that the high school students in the troupe are basically art students selected through the specialty category during the high school entrance examination. Their ways of entering school are mainly high-level art troupe and art examination. Chen Zhigang, a teacher of Hexi Branch of Nanjing Jinling middle school who has more than 20 years of experience in guiding the art examination, believes that the candidates who are most affected by the policy are those who have art expertise, are ready to study non art majors in universities and are slightly weak in cultural courses. Without the preferential policies of reducing or adding points, it is more difficult for these students to enter famous schools. Zheng Jinyue, senior music teacher of Liaoning experimental middle school, said that in the past, about half of the students with artistic expertise in the school's Art Troupe chose high-level art troupe and art examination to enter school. After the release of the policy of the Ministry of education, the school will also adjust accordingly, and will no longer recruit students with artistic expertise in 2022. What impact does the suspension of high-level art troupes have on Colleges and universities? The instructor of a university in the East told reporters that the high-level art troupe plays an important role in building campus culture and enriching campus life. It is one of the key points of school aesthetic education, especially for science and engineering universities. "Next, the school will select students with artistic expertise through multiple channels by increasing public elective courses of art and developing campus associations of art, so as to continue to enrich them into the art troupe." The instructor said. Chen Zhiwen, Xiong Bingqi and other experts believe that the adjustment of the enrollment policy of high-level art troupes will eliminate some art troupes that are originally more utilitarian, so that schools, parents and students can look at the cultivation of artistic interests and specialties from a longer-term perspective. Many parents said that after canceling the enrollment of high-level art troupes, their children's learning plans will be adjusted accordingly, but it does not mean that their children have learned in vain. "The edification of art can not change the improvement of children's comprehensive quality. It will benefit children for a lifetime." One parent said. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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