Hate work is not because of laziness, it may be job burnout


Some time ago, "not wanting to go to work every day may not be because of laziness" rushed to the microblog hot search. In less than a few hours, the reading volume exceeded 100 million, the discussion volume was up to 12000, and the netizens left thousands of messages. According to media reports, some experts believe that if you feel "hollowed out" by work every day, it may not be lack of progress, but may be job burnout. From the crazy spread of Ge You's lying expression bag to the popularity of the online song "feeling your body hollowed out", they all show that job burnout seems to have become a universal problem among young people. So, what is job burnout? How can we improve this situation? "Sprouting new" in the workplace is more prone to burnout Job burnout, also known as job burnout, refers to the depletion of strength and passion caused by long-term pressure. Compared with the "elderly" in the workplace, fledgling young people are more likely to have job burnout. There are many factors leading to job burnout: First, there is no control over the work progress. I can't arrange work progress, I'm very busy at work, and I suddenly come to work a lot when I finish work. Often working overtime like this can lead to occupation burnout. The second is the poor working environment. For example, leaders hold meetings every day, put on a bad face and scold, the relationship between colleagues is not harmonious, and there is no room for improvement in work, which will make employees become tired. The third is the lack of social support and heavy workload. The more lonely people are in work and life, the more likely they are to have job burnout. For example, single and divorced people are more likely to have burnout psychology. If the work intensity is high and takes up a lot of non working time, people will be bored with the work and gradually show fatigue. Finally, occupation type and personal character are also influencing factors. Generally speaking, work that is boring and requires high concentration is more likely to make people feel tired. The repeated simple work lacks a sense of professional honor, which is also easy to cause job burnout. At the same time, job burnout is also related to depressive personality and emotional instability. Or seriously affect physical and mental health Many people do not take job burnout seriously, but in fact, it will affect all aspects of work and life. At work, people with job burnout will have problems such as slacking off and difficulty in concentrating, and show bad emotions in front of colleagues and customers. In life, they like to eat high calorie food (carbonated drinks, fried food, etc.), become picky, and often have various physical discomfort (headache or gastrointestinal problems, etc.). In severe cases, job burnout may also increase the prevalence of heart disease, hypertension and other diseases, and even lead to mental diseases such as insomnia, anxiety and depression. Fighting "fatigue" requires a multi pronged approach So, how should we overcome and alleviate job burnout? First, work units should recognize the harm of job burnout. Job burnout can "infect" each other imperceptibly, resulting in low efficiency of the whole team. The unit or department shall reasonably arrange working hours and intensity to provide employees with a comfortable working environment and broad growth space. Effectively understand the needs of employees. This demand is not necessarily money, but may be personal development and the realization of self-worth. Second, employees should carry out self positioning and make personal career planning. Don't deny the value of your work and don't expect too much. Usually plan your goals, improve your professional skills, charge while working, and learn to grow under pressure. Third, employees should manage their emotions, take more physical exercise and relaxation activities, and cultivate their hobbies. Try not to be emotional at work. Try not to wear "colored glasses" when dealing with people and things around you. In the face of setbacks, don't complain blindly. Regular sports, especially those with medium intensity or above, can relieve stress. Fourth, maintain healthy living habits. Some people come home from work and like to fall on the sofa to catch up with dramas or play games. While eating high calorie junk food, they drink "fat house happy water"; Some people like to smoke to refresh themselves when they are tired at work, or have a few drinks with three or five friends after work to relax; Others like to stay up late to watch dramas and short videos after overtime to compensate for the lack of entertainment during the day... But in fact, bad eating habits, smoking, drinking and staying up late can lead to obesity or other health problems. Finally, seek the support and help of others when necessary. You can talk about your current thoughts and feelings with people who really care about you (friends or family). If necessary, you can seek the help of a professional psychologist. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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