How much will the pension increase? How to achieve common prosperity? All the places you care about have been arranged!


At present, the provincial two sessions have been held in most provinces. As a window to see the development of various regions, the local version of the government work report has attracted much attention from the outside world. Some hot spots, focal points and even sensitive topics that have attracted public attention in 2021 have been responded to in the government work reports of various places. "Common prosperity" has been included in many reports: to ensure that no one is left behind in the 2022 local development plan, the topic of "common prosperity" has been paid attention to in the East, central and western regions. In the face of this seemingly grand concept, the exploration of "common prosperity" in the local version is more detailed to every micro level of economic society and people's livelihood. Its goal is to make the people feel a sense of development. In Zhejiang, a demonstration area for high-quality development and construction of common prosperity, in this year's government work report, common prosperity is a high-frequency word. Among the measures for common prosperity, Zhejiang mentions a basic goal: the minimum living security annual standard for urban and rural residents will reach more than 11000 yuan, and the minimum annual standard for centralized support of orphans will reach 21000 yuan, so as to ensure that no one is left behind on the road to common prosperity. The central province of Shanxi proposed to standardize the order of income distribution, expand the proportion of middle-income groups, and let the people's pockets swell. Anhui put forward the "project to promote the multiplication of middle-income groups". In the west, Gansu made it clear this year that no matter how great the financial pressure is, the expenditure on people's livelihood will only increase but not decrease, and the expenditure on doing practical things for the masses will only increase but not decrease. Shaanxi proposes to take the development of county economy as the strategic focus for the coordinated development of urban and rural areas and the promotion of common prosperity, "cultivate a number of strong industrial counties, large agricultural counties and famous tourist counties, and realize the growth rate of county GDP by 1 percentage point higher than that of the whole Province". How much will the pension increase? How to delay retirement? In the "14th five year plan" and the long-term goal outline for 2035 published last year, the topic of deferred retirement was included. At the national level, the principles of "small step adjustment, flexible implementation, classified promotion, and overall consideration" were also clearly defined. Pensions and delayed retirement are major livelihood issues that have a bearing on the vital interests of the people. This year, many regions mentioned pensions in the government work report. For example, last year, the basic pension of retirees in Jiangsu increased by 4.5%, the basic pension of enterprise retirees in Yunnan increased by 17 consecutive years, and the minimum standard of basic pension of basic old-age insurance for urban and rural residents in Gansu increased to 113 yuan per person per month. With regard to this year's plan, Shaanxi mentioned in the government work report that it will implement the policy of delaying the legal retirement age, promote the national planning of enterprise employees' pension insurance, and ensure that pensions are paid in full and on time. Henan mentioned that this year, it is necessary to implement the national plan for basic old-age insurance for enterprise employees and "appropriately increase the basic old-age pension for retirees". Hebei has also made it clear that it will increase the basic pension for retirees. Jiangsu's statement is to improve the level of basic old-age insurance treatment for urban and rural residents, and implement the provincial unified collection, unified expenditure and unified management of basic old-age insurance funds for enterprise employees. Reflecting on the problems exposed in disaster emergency response and epidemic prevention and control, the local people's Congress and the people's Congress not only talked about achievements and plans, but also faced problems and reflected on shortcomings. The "July 20" torrential rain disaster was written into the "government work report" of Henan Province. When summing up the inadequacy of the work, the report specifically mentioned "disaster prevention and relief and

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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