Three common misunderstandings in children's diet, have you "stepped on thunder"?


Children are the heart of parents. Not only parents are afraid of their children's lack of nutrition, but also grandparents are afraid of their children's lack of nutrition. They try to make delicious food and buy nutrition for their children. Have you gone into a misunderstanding? Let's compare it! Myth 1: coarse grains are healthy. Eating more is good for your health Truth: Although coarse grain is good, we also need to pay attention to the proportion of coarse and fine, otherwise it will increase the burden of digestion and lead to constipation. Compared with fine processed grains, whole grain foods and low processed grains can indeed retain germ, more B vitamins and dietary fiber, which is beneficial to health; However, the functional development of children's gastrointestinal tract is not perfect. Using a large amount of coarse grain instead of fine staple food will increase the digestive burden of gastrointestinal tract and even lead to constipation. The dietary guide for Chinese residents points out that the principle of "diversified food, mainly cereals" is that the daily staple food should include Cereals, miscellaneous beans and potatoes, but attention should be paid to the combination of thickness. Generally, one-third of coarse grain is enough. Myth 2: if you don't like fruits and vegetables, drink fruit and vegetable juice Truth: vegetables and fruits cannot be replaced by each other. Eating vegetables and fruits directly is better than drinking fresh juice. The content of fruit and vegetable juice in the commercially available fruit and vegetable juice beverage is about 10%. Many parents reflect that their children don't like to eat vegetables and fruits, and they dislike the trouble of juicing at home. Therefore, they often buy all kinds of fruit and vegetable juice drinks from supermarkets. "This is healthier than carbonated drinks and just complements the deficiency of vegetables and fruits". But in fact, vegetables and fruits have different nutritional values and can not replace each other. They can only play a better nutritional combination effect by matching each other. Moreover, when eating vegetables and fruits directly, it will stimulate the digestive tract to secrete digestive juice and digestive enzymes through chewing. However, if you drink vegetables and fruit juice directly, there is no such effect. At the same time, if you drink fresh fruit juice, it is easy to cause the increase of blood glucose level. Most of the fruit and vegetable juice drinks sold on the market are drinks with fruit and vegetable juice content less than 10% (30% and 100%). In order to flavor, some sweeteners and sugar components will be added. Long term drinking may increase body weight and increase the risk of dental caries. A really healthy way to eat is to combine different kinds of vegetables and fruits every day and eat a rainbow on the table. Myth 3: drinking milk drinks every day is the same as drinking milk Truth: the content of milk in milk drinks is only 30%, which is different from the nutrition obtained by drinking seasoned milk and pure milk. Some children like milk drinks and flavored milk, but both drinks are different from pure milk. Usually, the content of milk in milk drinks is mostly 30%. Seasoned milk is seasoned on the basis of pure milk, so the main component is milk. If you really don't like the taste of pure milk, you can choose various flavors of seasoned milk breakfast milk. In the dietary guidelines for Chinese residents, it is recommended to have a cup of milk or dairy products equivalent to 300g of liquid milk every day, such as yogurt, cheese, milk skin, etc. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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