Today's great cold: Gu Huyang experts teach you to do this


Today is the last of the 24 solar terms in the lunar calendar - great cold, which reflects the process and degree of temperature rise and fall. The severe cold is colder than the minor cold. It is the coldest season of the year. So, what problems should we pay attention to in cold health preservation? Xu Chunying, chief physician of the Department of Otolaryngology of Xiyuan Hospital of the Chinese Academy of traditional Chinese medicine, said that we should avoid the stimulation of cold evil Qi and protect the Yang of the human body, so as to stay away from upper respiratory tract infection, reduce the occurrence of allergic diseases, and avoid inducing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and gastrointestinal diseases. "In fact, the occurrence of many diseases at this time has a lot to do with not paying attention to keeping warm." Xu Chunying suggested that we should pay attention to avoid the invasion of wind evil and cold evil into the human body. Xu Chunying said that the head, mouth, nose and feet are the most vulnerable to cold evil. "The head is the meeting of all Yang". The head is the place where Yang Qi gathers and is the least vulnerable to cold. Most upper respiratory tract infections are caused by the cold evil felt by the head, mouth and nose. At the same time, the cold evil makes the blood vessels of the head contract. People will have headache and dizziness, which is easy to induce cerebrovascular diseases. Therefore, when you go out, you must wear a hat and scarf and pay attention to protecting your head and neck. Xu Chunying said that the lungs of the human body are directly connected with the external atmosphere through the mouth and nose, and external pathogens can directly hurt the lungs by invading the human body through the mouth and nose. Therefore, be sure to keep your mouth and nose warm, and wear a mask in strong wind weather. "The feet are farthest from the heart, the blood supply is slow and less, and the warmth retention is poor. Once cold, it will reflexively cause the contraction of respiratory mucosal capillaries, reduce disease resistance, and lead to upper respiratory tract infection." Xu Chunying suggested that you should wear warm shoes and socks to prevent the invasion of cold, exercise properly and move your feet. Finally, Xu Chunying stressed that the cold solar term is the deepest time when Yang Qi is closed. We should comply with the law in our daily life, focus on "raising Tibet", go to bed early and get up late, and avoid sweating and overwork during exercise. Eat more tuber foods, such as yam, sweet potato, radish, lotus root, etc. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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