The great cold is coming. "Winter Tibet" starts the arrangement of "Spring hair"


Before and after January 20 every year, when the sun reaches 300 ° of the Yellow meridian, it is "great cold", which is also the last of the 24 solar terms. Great cold means that the weather is extremely cold. Throughout the year, spring hair, long summer, autumn convergence and winter storage. The great cold is the turning point of the end of winter and the arrival of spring. While paying attention to "winter storage", we should also prepare for "Spring hair". Together "cat winter" Lay the foundation for spring In the hot and cold weather, if the maintenance is improper, it is easy to cause various diseases. In winter, our daily life is suitable for closing and storing Yang Qi to prepare for the growth of hair in the coming spring. Go to bed early and get up late. In the cold season, it is cold around. We should comply with the characteristics of closed storage in winter and promote our own storage and material accumulation. At this time, we should "go to bed early and get up late". Going to bed early can maintain the Yang Qi of the human body, and getting up late can maintain the Yin Qi of the human body, absorb the warmth of the sun to the greatest extent and avoid the bone chilling cold. Suitable for exercise. Winter exercise can carry out some aerobic exercises, such as fast walking, jogging, rope skipping, shuttlecock kicking, Taijiquan and so on. It is easy to catch a cold when the weather is cold and hot. It is suggested that if you exercise, you can wait until after the sun comes out. Open the window frequently and drink more water. If the window is not opened for ventilation for a long time, the reproduction of viruses and bacteria will increase rapidly, and it is prone to respiratory disease infection. Drinking more water is conducive to oxygen supply, smooth breathing and good health. These three health problems It's easiest to enter while it's cold In addition to paying attention to cold prevention and warmth preservation in the cold season, we should also beware of the following three health problems: Prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and minimize going out in the morning and evening. Cold can excite people's sympathetic nerves, increase catecholamines in the blood, and lead to systemic vasoconstriction. Cold can increase blood viscosity, easily lead to thrombosis, and middle-aged and elderly people are prone to blood pressure fluctuations, leading to cardiovascular disease. Therefore, in the cold season, the elderly should pay attention to keeping warm. When going out, they must wear coats, masks, hats and scarves. Prevent digestive system diseases. Due to cold stimulation, the excitability of human nervous system increases, resulting in gastrointestinal dysfunction, stimulating gastric mucosa or ulcer surface, which is easy to cause digestive system diseases. Daily diet should be soft and digestible. Cold invades the body. As the saying goes, "cold starts from the feet and cold comes from the legs". It is particularly important to protect your feet and legs in cold winter. It is recommended that you soak your feet in warm water before going to bed. The water temperature is about 40 ℃, and the ankle joints are flooded with water. Soak them for 20-30 minutes each time. After soaking your feet, massage your toes and palms with your hands. Soaking feet in warm water can promote vasodilation, accelerate blood flow and improve sleep quality. Don't overdo it 8 kinds of energy food for you Cold is a good time for tonic. It can improve the immune function of the human body, promote metabolism and improve the fear of cold. Tonic in winter can also regulate the material metabolism in the body, store the energy transformed by nutrients in the body to the greatest extent, and contribute to the rise of Yang Qi in the body. However, we need to remind you that the cold is the last solar term for closing Tibet in winter. The amount of tonic should be gradually reduced to gradually adapt to the seasonal characteristics of comfortable, rising hair and reaching in spring. At this time, it is appropriate to warm and supplement Yang, tonify kidney and bone, nourish yin and essence. You might as well eat the following 8 kinds of food. Euryale ferox, tonifying deficiency, has the effects of nourishing and strengthening, tonifying middle Qi, strengthening kidney and astringent essence, and appetizing food; Walnut has the effect of strengthening kidney and brain; Radish, with a strong digestive function, can also clear away heat and phlegm, alleviate aging and enhance immunity; Beef and mutton, both of which are warm in nature, can replenish qi, nourish blood, expel cold and warm up, and help alleviate the symptoms of cold hands and feet in winter; Mushroom is helpful for children's physical and intellectual development. It can also appetize and strengthen the spleen, replenish qi and tonify deficiency. It is good for the prevention and treatment of hyperlipidemia and physical fitness; Sweet potato has the effects of tonifying deficiency, supplementing qi, strengthening spleen and stomach and strengthening kidney yin. Cooking porridge can tonify spleen with stomach and nourish lung dryness; Sugarcane has the functions of nourishing, clearing away heat, defecating and dissolving knot. It can also treat fluid injury caused by fever, upset and thirsty, nausea and vomiting, cough and asthma caused by lung dryness; Citrus fruits, eat properly can prevent rhinitis, phlegm and cough. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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