Regulating the spleen and stomach before health preservation


Why is the most important thing for health preservation to take good care of the spleen and stomach? What are the symptoms of spleen deficiency in your body? What are the precautions for diet, medicated diet, exercise and emotional conditioning of spleen and stomach health preservation? All kinds of stomach cold and stomach heat are uncomfortable. How to treat the symptoms Recently, Professor Qiu Jianxing, a national famous traditional Chinese Medicine professor in his 80s, visited the "Lingnan traditional Chinese medicine science popularization forum" and brought the most complete spleen and stomach health preservation secrets. Why is the spleen and stomach "the foundation of the day after tomorrow"? Qiu Jianxing said that traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to the overall concept. It stresses that the spleen is inseparable from the stomach and the stomach is inseparable from the spleen. It often calls the spleen and stomach together. The spleen and stomach in traditional Chinese medicine is not only the spleen and stomach in modern medical anatomy. In terms of physiology and pathology, the spleen and stomach in traditional Chinese medicine includes the whole digestive system and immune function, far beyond the scope of spleen and stomach in the sense of anatomy. After birth, all life activities depend on the nutrients ingested by the spleen and stomach. Those who are congenitally deficient can be replenished through the day after tomorrow, which can also prolong life; Congenital is very good. If you don't pay attention to the cultivation of spleen and stomach after tomorrow, you will suffer from many diseases and reduce your life for a long time. Only when the spleen and stomach are healthy can the viscera be harmonious and full of vitality. Therefore, when regulating the body, pay special attention to regulating the spleen stomach qi machine. The spleen and stomach are closely related to other Zang Fu organs. Diseases of the spleen and stomach can easily affect other Zang Fu organs. People are based on water and valley, the stomach receives water and valley, and the spleen transports fine nutrients. It can be seen that the spleen and stomach occupy a very important position in the human body and are the "foundation of the day after tomorrow", that is, the first thing for health preservation and fitness after the day after tomorrow is to regulate the spleen and stomach. "Strengthening spleen" is also a "high-frequency word" in epidemic prevention of traditional Chinese medicine. TCM health preservation believes that the reduction and disorder of immune function is an important reason for aging and infectious diseases. TCM can correct this bias by strengthening the spleen and strengthening the body's defense function. Traditional Chinese medicine is mainly made from ginseng, Poria, dangshen, Atractylodes macrocephala and so on. In modern medical research, these prescriptions have the functions of strengthening T cell immune function, enhancing cell phagocytosis and enhancing interferon induction. So what are the physiological functions and characteristics of "spleen and stomach"? Qiu Jianxing said that in terms of physiological function, "the spleen governs the transportation", which mainly transports food and water. If the transportation function is not good, clinically, it is often manifested as gastric distention, belching and poor transportation of water, and the patient will hear the main complaints of diarrhea, constipation and other symptoms. In physiological characteristics, the spleen likes dryness and hates dampness; The stomach likes moistening and hates dryness. Only when there is enough body fluid in the stomach can food and water be transported. Therefore, in the treatment of stomach diseases, we should pay attention to the protection of stomach yin, and do not arbitrarily apply bitter cold, so as not to change dryness and hurt Yin. Lingnan area has heavy moisture. In spring and long summer, many people will feel uncomfortable in their spleen and stomach. When they stretch out their tongue, they will see that the tongue coating is white and greasy, reflecting the symptoms of heavy moisture in their body. See if you have these signs of "Spleen Deficiency"? Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the transportation function of spleen is related to human shape, orifices, Chi and fluid. Many people "Spleen Deficiency" can be seen from the representation of the body. "Form": it is closely related to the strength and function of muscles. The body will be strong only if the temper is well transported; On the contrary, weakness can be related to "Spleen Deficiency". "Orifices": People's appetite and taste are also closely related to the transport and chemical function of the spleen; The color of lips can also reflect the rise and fall of spleen. "Liquid": if the content is easy to drool unconsciously for a period of time, it is also a manifestation of disharmony between the spleen and stomach. "Zhi": in terms of emotion, people often have an experience that if they have trouble in their heart, they will have a bad appetite and don't think about eating. This is also because thinking too much hinders the transportation and chemical function of the spleen, resulting in symptoms such as don't think about eating, abdominal distension, dizziness and so on. Qiu Lao's personal way to maintain health in octogenarian: you don't have to be vegetarian, you don't have to run Qiu Jianxing introduced his way of maintaining health, which is summarized as: "health preservation methods should be suitable for yourself, not necessarily vegetarian, exercise does not have to run, open-minded, don't be angry, have a variety of hobbies, perseverance, and a long life can be guaranteed." The elements of spleen and stomach health care include diet, exercise, emotion and so on. "Essence, Qi and spirit are the three basic elements of health preservation." Qiu Jianxing introduced that essence, Qi and God are the "three treasures of the human body". The three depend on each other and use each other. They are both prosperous and declining. 1、 Diet and recuperation In terms of diet, modern people are rich in nutrition. Unlike ancient people, deficiency of spleen and stomach is often related to nutrition. However, in modern times, no lack of nutrition does not mean that the spleen and stomach must be good. What we need to pay more attention to is that the diet should be frugal. Excessive fat, sweet and thick taste, or excessive hunger and satiety, and irregular food will hurt the spleen and stomach. Once the spleen and stomach are injured, various diseases will occur. The eating habits of many elderly people also prove that light diet, timely and appropriate amount are important factors. Qiu Jianxing reminded that there are many details to pay attention to when eating: Diet should be moderate, slow and fine, three meals a day, seven or eight minutes full; Chew and swallow slowly. Sometimes, eat regularly. Don't eat after anger. When eating, you should be calm and conducive to gastric digestion. The five flavors of sincerity and harmony - sour, sweet, spicy, bitter and salty should be properly mixed, the staple food and non-staple food should be diversified, the food should be refined and coarse, and the omnivorous food should not be biased. Light is the best, the diet should be clean, sweet and salty. Modern science has proved that eating too much salt can cause cardiovascular disease, especially people are prone to hypertension. Eat warm. Food overheating and scalding will cause physical damage to the digestive tract, and too cold will hurt the spleen and stomach. Even in the hot summer, you can't drink cold at will. After meals, you can rinse your mouth several times and knock your teeth 36 times, which is helpful to digestion and disease prevention; Don't lie down and rest when you're just full. Medicated diet health preservation is what we are most interested in. Qiu Jianxing recommends that there are four different ways to nourish the spleen: warming the spleen, commonly used cardamom, dried ginger, galangal, Cinnamon Twig and cinnamon; Invigorating the spleen commonly uses Astragalus membranaceus, Codonopsis pilosula, ginseng, Atractylodes macrocephala, polygonatum, jujube, etc. It should be reminded that jujube refers to black jujube. It's not an ordinary red jujube. To transport and strengthen the spleen, Amomum villosum, cardamom, Atractylodes rhizome, wood fragrance and tangerine peel are used; Xingpi uses hawthorn, Jineijin, Shenqu, malt, grain bud, cloth residue leaf, etc. Recommendations for common herbal diet for spleen and stomach health preservation: 1. American ginseng lean meat soup Composition: 24g American ginseng and 500g lean pork. Preparation method: wash American ginseng, soak it in warm water and slice it; Then wash the lean pork, put it into the pot together with American ginseng slices, add the water soaked with American ginseng and an appropriate amount of water, boil over martial fire and simmer for 2 hours, season, drink soup and eat meat. Efficacy: tonifying qi and spleen, strengthening body and appetizing. American ginseng supplements but not dryness, clearing and Tonifying Qi. In the later stage of fever, the healthy qi is insufficient, the spirit is tired, and the diet is reduced, especially suitable for eating. It is suitable for children with spleen deficiency, no appetite and sweating. 2. Shenqi pigeon soup Composition: 60g Codonopsis pilosula, 30g Astragalus and 2 pigeons. Preparation method: the pigeon is dissected, gutted, dried and cut into pieces; Wash Codonopsis pilosula and Astragalus membranaceus, put them into the pot together with pigeon meat, add an appropriate amount of water, boil over martial fire, simmer for 2 hours, season, drink soup and eat meat. Efficacy: tonifying qi and strengthening spleen. It is suitable for people who are weak and long-term ill. 3. Stewed chicken with ginseng Composition: 100g chicken, 10g red ginseng (for example, 10g sliver ginseng, 8g Jilin ginseng and 6G Korean ginseng). Preparation method: the chicken is depilated and dissected, the chicken leg meat or chicken breast meat is taken, and the skin and bone are removed; Put ginseng slices together with chicken into the stew cup, add an appropriate amount of water, cover the stew cup, simmer for 3 hours, season, drink soup and eat meat. Efficacy: greatly replenish vitality, solidify, remove and absorb blood. Indications: great loss of vitality and weak body; Or weak heart qi, palpitation, sweating and asthma when symptoms move; Or bleeding, bleeding and gas. For those who are especially "supplemented", ginseng stewed chicken is particularly good. 2、 Exercise and recuperation In terms of exercise, moving can nourish spleen yang. Exercise is good for nourishing the spleen. Qiu Jianxing reminded that nowadays people like to say "ten thousand steps a day". In fact, don't take ten thousand steps at one time. You can walk many times a day. Only by persevering and unremitting in appropriate exercise, moderate work and rest, dynamic and static cultivation, relaxation and relaxation, can the purpose of health preservation be achieved. 3、 Emotional health preservation In terms of emotional health preservation, we should pay attention not to think too much. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen governs thinking, but excessive thinking, sadness and unhappiness will most hurt the spleen and stomach, and a long time will lead to physical weakness. You can do more activities that you like and delight your heart and spleen. Such as walking, listening to music, raising flowers and fish, playing Taijiquan, aerobics, swimming, tourism and other things that make your mood smooth. You are cheerful and have a pleasant temper, which is better than drug treatment. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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