Can wearing socks help sleep?


Some people say that sleeping with socks can improve the cold hands and feet and help sleep. But others say that sleeping in socks will affect blood circulation and health. Which statement is correct? Some patients in the clinic say they often have cold hands and feet, wear socks to sleep at night, and even wear socks and trousers to sleep in summer. How about sleeping in socks? We should treat everything in two ways. For different people, it may have different effects. Wearing socks to sleep can really keep warm and help sleep for people with cold hands and feet, lack of Yang and unable to sleep because of cold feet. Even if such people soak their feet in hot water before going to bed and sleep in the quilt for a while, their feet will be cold again. They often can't sleep because their feet are cold. If they wear socks, they can keep warm, keep the temperature of their feet comfortable, improve peripheral blood circulation and promote sleep. It's helpful to wear socks to sleep at this time. If you are an older person with edema of lower limbs and feet and insensitive nerve perception, wear socks to sleep. If the socks are tight, it may affect the blood circulation, but have a negative effect and do not help sleep. For a person with normal perception, if they sleep in socks, they are generally people with cold feet. They sleep in socks only when they are comfortable. If they are uncomfortable, they will not sleep in socks. From their own feelings, we can also judge whether wearing socks to sleep is conducive to sleep. Other people have hot feet every night. They can't sleep in socks. Moreover, they can't sleep until their feet are exposed. This behavior is also a manifestation of human self-regulation. If some people always have cold feet when they sleep at night, some people can improve this state by wearing socks, while some people can't play a role even if they wear socks, and their feet are still cold, indicating that although the former has insufficient Yang, it can be improved by keeping warm through the outside world, while the latter has further Yang deficiency, and can't solve the problem through simple methods. At this time, It is necessary to regulate the spleen and kidney by warming and tonifying the spleen and kidney through physical therapy or oral drugs, so as to stimulate the Yang Qi of the spleen and kidney of the human body, make the Yang Qi run through the whole body, achieve the function of warming the whole body, and the cold feet will naturally improve. Common acupoints for warming the spleen and kidney: Baihui, Dazhui, Shenshu, Mingmen, Shenque, Guanyuan, Yongquan, Zusanli, etc. No diabetes, vascular disease can also be cassia twig, AI leaves, safflower, Caulis Caulis, tulle grass and other frying soup feet. Oral drugs need to be taken to the hospital under the guidance of doctors. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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