Warm the spleen and stomach, tonify the heart and nourish the blood. The nine porridge prescriptions that can't be missed in winter


According to the official account of WeChat public in Guangde CDC, winter is a good time to drink porridge. Wang Mengying once recorded in "eating with interest in the diet", "gruel is the first thing to fill people in the world." However, with the improvement of people's living standards, many people began to question the nutritional value of porridge and believe that its nutrition is single. In fact, this is not the "fault" of porridge, but that we ignore that "porridge also needs to be matched"! Good porridge, need to add coarse grain! Nowadays, people mainly eat refined rice and white flour, and few people specifically eat coarse grains and cereals such as oats, corn, beans, millet and potatoes, resulting in an unbalanced diet. According to the large-scale research in the field of global diet statistics released by the lancet in 2019, China ranks first among the top 20 countries in the world in terms of cardiovascular disease mortality and cancer mortality due to dietary structure problems. In 2017 alone, the number of deaths caused by insufficient intake of coarse grains and miscellaneous grains was as high as 3 million Therefore, a bowl of good porridge must be inseparable from a reasonable combination of coarse grains and coarse grains. 1. Buckwheat Buckwheat has the reputation of "king of grains". It has the functions of reducing blood sugar, blood pressure, blood lipid, treating stomach diseases and diuresis. For people with high blood sugar, tartary buckwheat is a good choice. Reminder: buckwheat is cold. People with cold constitution, poor gastrointestinal function and frequent diarrhea should not eat, eat less or eat with some hot food. 2. Oats Oats have the reputation of "king of coarse grain", which has the advantages of reducing blood lipid, protecting cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels, maintaining intestinal micro ecological environment and so on. It is rich in soluble dietary fiber β- Glucan can prolong the time for the body to absorb food nutrients and has a good sugar control effect. Reminder: some other ingredients may be added to many instant oats on the market. It is recommended to see the ingredient list and choose pure oats or oatmeal rice without addition. 3. Wheat grains Wheat grains are rich in dietary fiber, which can moisten the intestines and defecate. As porridge, it can delay the rise of blood sugar. 4. Purple Rice Purple rice has high nutritional value and medicinal value. Among them, plant antioxidant components are conducive to prevent arteriosclerosis and protect cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health; Lysine can regulate the metabolic balance of human body. Reminder: as purple rice belongs to glutinous rice, the starch content is relatively high, so the dosage can be appropriately reduced. 5. Black beans Eating black beans can effectively reduce the content of fat and cholesterol in the human body, help to control weight and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Moreover, black beans are rich in anthocyanins, vitamin E and other strong antioxidant substances, which can effectively remove free radicals in the human body, and have the effects of beauty and preventing aging; Chromium in black beans can also adjust blood glucose metabolism. Winter porridge recipe Winter is coming, and the weather is cold. Drinking more porridge can moisten and nourish lung dryness. Today I'll introduce some health porridge to you. 1. Mutton porridge Choose 250g mutton, wash it, cut it into diced meat, stew it with radish and remove the smell of mutton. Then take out the radish and put 150g of Japonica Rice to cook porridge. Mutton is warm and hot. It is a food with high protein and low cholesterol. Eating mutton porridge in winter can replenish qi and deficiency, warm the middle and warm the lower, and benefit the kidney and strengthen yang. 2. Leek porridge First cook the porridge, then cut up an appropriate amount of leek and put it into it. Cook it for a while and then it can be eaten. Leek tastes sweet and warm. It contains vitamins A, B, C and trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus and iron. Regular consumption of leek porridge can help Yang slow down, replenish middle and dredge collaterals. It is suitable for those with cold back and Qi deficiency and sour waist and knee. 3. Ginseng porridge Take 3 grams of ginseng, put it in a sand pot, add water and simmer for 20 minutes, add 100 grams of Japonica rice, cook until the porridge is thick, add an appropriate amount of honey or rock sugar to taste and take it. It is suitable for the elderly with body deficiency, fear of cold, food stagnation and loose stools. Regular consumption of ginseng porridge has a good therapeutic effect on patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. 4. Longan millet porridge 15 grams of longan meat and 100 ~ 200 grams of corn. Wash longan meat and cook with corn. First boil it with martial fire, and then cook it into porridge with slow fire. Longan meat tastes sweet and warm. It can nourish the heart and spleen, nourish blood and calm the mind. 5. Walnut porridge 20 grams of walnut meat and 100 ~ 200 grams of Japonica rice. Wash and mash walnut meat and cook it into porridge with japonica rice. It can moisten the lungs and cough, tonify the kidney and consolidate essence, moisten the intestines and defecate, but it is forbidden for those with damp heat in the spleen and stomach or diarrhea. 6. Euryale ferox porridge Yam 15 ~ 30g, chestnut 50g, jujube 2 ~ 4, japonica rice 100g. After the chestnuts are shelled, they are boiled into porridge with yam, jujube and japonica rice. Yam tastes sweet and flat. It can tonify the spleen and stomach, benefit the lung and kidney, especially for those with deficiency of spleen and kidney qi. However, it is not suitable to eat more at one time, otherwise it is easy to eat stagnation and cause indigestion. 7. Ginger jujube porridge Fresh ginger or dried ginger 6 ~ 9g, japonica rice or glutinous rice 100 ~ 150g, jujube 2 ~ 4. Wash and chop ginger and cook it into porridge with rice and jujube. It can warm the stomach, disperse cold, warm the lung and dissipate phlegm, but those with Yin deficiency or pregnant women should eat it carefully. 8. Carrot porridge 50g fresh carrots and 200g japonica rice. Cut carrots into small pieces and cook them with japonica rice. First boil with martial fire, and then slowly boil over slow fire. It has the effects of strengthening the stomach, tonifying the spleen and helping digestion. 9. Chicken preserved egg porridge 200g chicken, 2 preserved eggs, 200g ~ 300g japonica rice, appropriate amount of condiments such as ginger, onion and salt. First cut the chicken into small pieces, add water and boil it into a thick juice, and cook it with japonica rice. When the porridge is about to be cooked, add chopped preserved eggs and boiled chicken, and add an appropriate amount of seasoning. It has the functions of Tonifying Qi and blood, nourishing the five internal organs, appetizing and generating fluid. It is suitable for people with loss of Qi and blood. Tips for healthy eating porridge For a friend with high blood sugar, how to control blood sugar after gruel is a painful thing. In fact, as long as we master the following know-how, even patients with diabetes can eat congee safely. 1. Cool before heating The starch in the porridge will completely decompose after cooking, speeding up the rise of blood sugar. However, after the porridge is cooled to room temperature, the starch will age and form resistant starch with slow sugar rising speed, and the resistant starch will not be significantly reduced after reheating. Suggestion: people with poor intestines and stomach can cool the porridge and then heat it. 2. Cushion your stomach before eating porridge The absorption rate of porridge is fast. Drinking porridge on an empty stomach is easy to cause blood glucose fluctuation, which is not conducive to the normal and stable blood glucose. Suggestion: before drinking porridge, you can eat some foods with slow absorption, such as steamed bread and vegetables, so as to slow down the absorption rate of porridge. At the same time, porridge can also be accompanied by some small dishes, which can not only enrich the diet and comprehensive nutrition, but also effectively delay the rise of postprandial blood glucose. 3. Slow down your porridge Eating speed also affects glycemic index. Generally speaking, the longer the meal time is, the slower the blood sugar will rise. Suggestion: drink porridge slowly, and the time for drinking a bowl of porridge should be controlled at least 10 minutes. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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