Release consumption potential and enhance development momentum


To accelerate the construction of a new development pattern and enhance the vitality of economic development, we should seize the strategic basis of expanding domestic demand, further release the consumption potential, promote high-quality development and create a high-quality life The central economic work conference proposed that "we should implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand and enhance the endogenous driving force of development." "To deepen the supply side structural reform, we should focus on unblocking the domestic circulation, breaking through the blocking point of supply constraints, and opening up all links of production, distribution, circulation and consumption." At present, China's economy continues to recover stably and steadily, but it is also facing the triple pressure of demand contraction, supply shock and weakening expectation. Among them, the slowdown of consumption growth is an important aspect of the contraction of domestic demand. According to the data of the National Bureau of statistics, the total retail sales of social consumer goods in November 2021 was 41043 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.9%. Since June 2021, the year-on-year growth rate of total retail sales of social consumer goods has dropped from the double-digit growth at the beginning of the year to the single digit, and the average growth rate in the two years has also dropped. Although consumption growth faces some constraints, the consumption potential is still huge. In the first three quarters of 2021, the contribution rate of consumption to economic growth was 64.8%, which remains the "main engine" and "ballast" of China's economy. In the future, with the implementation of the employment priority policy and the deepening of the reform of the social security system, the growth of residents' income will be better guaranteed to support the sustained growth of consumption. At the same time, China's consumption upgrading trend is obvious, and new consumption of quality, personalization and diversification are emerging, which will also stimulate new consumption potential. To accelerate the construction of a new development pattern and enhance the vitality of economic development, we should still stick to the strategic basis of expanding domestic demand, further release the consumption potential, promote high-quality development and create a high-quality life. First, we should continue to enhance the willingness to consume. The most fundamental thing to expand consumption is to promote employment, improve social security, optimize income distribution structure, and enhance people's Consumption Willingness and ability. However, according to the recent data of the central bank, in November 2021, the short-term loans of the household sector increased by 151.7 billion yuan, significantly less. This is not only the reason for financial institutions to prevent consumer financial risks, but also shows consumers' cautious expectation of future income to a certain extent. To enhance people's willingness and ability to consume, we must do everything possible to activate the vitality of market players, so that more people can have stable jobs and solid income, and store enough fresh water to promote consumption. Secondly, we should constantly enrich consumption choices. In recent years, the process of consumption upgrading has accelerated, profound changes have taken place in the consumption structure, new consumption hotspots such as digital consumption, green consumption and health consumption continue to appear, and the demand for service consumption is growing. The new changes in consumer demand require the supply side to improve adaptability. Taking the consumption of home decoration services as an example, in "double 11" in 2021, the sales of decoration customized services of JD home soared, of which the turnover of whole house intelligent solutions increased by 300% year-on-year, thus driving the rapid growth of the sales of home decoration building materials, furniture, household appliances and other commodities. With the deepening of China's population aging, the proportion of service consumption such as medical treatment, pension, housekeeping and nursing will continue to increase. We should plan ahead, make preparations for site facilities, service institutions and personnel training, and improve the adaptability of supply to demand adjustment. In addition, we should speed up the improvement of the consumption environment. With the emergence of new consumption hotspots and the growth of service consumption, it is more important to create a good consumption environment, which not only refers to building infrastructure to facilitate consumption, but also includes establishing industry standards and norms to improve the supply quality of service products. At the same time, the development of China's consumer market is uneven, and echelon consumption and circular consumption are gradually developing. It is necessary to improve the supporting transaction service standards and purify the consumer market environment. At present, China's domestic demand potential is being continuously released, and the vitality of the domestic big cycle is becoming stronger and stronger. We firmly believe that the broad consumer market will continue to release its potential, usher in new and greater growth space and inject stronger impetus into economic growth. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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