Although persimmons are good, enough is enough. If they are too greedy, beware of stomach stones


Now, when a large number of persimmons are on the market, the red persimmons bite and taste sweet, which makes people can't stop. But although persimmons are delicious, they should also be "persimmons", otherwise their mouth will be enjoyable and their intestines and stomach will be uncomfortable. Especially for the elderly with poor gastrointestinal function, if they eat a large number of persimmons on an empty stomach, they are easy to be found by stones. Gastric distention, stomachache, nausea and vomiting will even cause intestinal obstruction and endanger their lives. Immature persimmons are rich in tannin Don't equate it with shrimp and crab Ripe persimmons are not only sweet and delicious, but also rich in nutrition. Zhao Mengyuan, a physician in charge of the food borne diseases and food safety risk monitoring Institute of Jinan CDC, said that persimmon is rich in fatty acids, flavonoids, carotene, vitamins and amino acids, and pectin. This dietary fiber can enhance gastrointestinal peristalsis, maintain intestinal health and maintain normal digestive function. The mucus in persimmon can also form a protective film in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, persimmon contains rutin, flavone glycoside, choline, carotene, salicylic acid and other components, which have the effect of clearing heat and relieving cough, and can improve the cough caused by autumn dryness. Zhao Mengyuan introduced that although persimmons are delicious, eating wrong also has risks. Some people say that eggs, milk, crabs and other foods are equal to persimmons and cannot be eaten together. Indeed, if you eat a lot of crabs and persimmons, it will indeed cause stomach discomfort, but this is not because the persimmons are mutually exclusive, nor is it the crab's fault. In fact, tannin is "making trouble". "Immature persimmons or soft jujubes contain tannin, which can be as high as 20%." Gao Fengyu, director of the Department of Gastroenterology and chief physician of Shandong maternal and child health hospital, said that persimmons also contain gum, pectin and other substances. Tannin can combine with protein under the action of gastric acid to form water-insoluble precipitate tannic protein. When there is too much gastric acid, tannic protein, pectin and cellulose in food, Sticking food scraps together will form stomach stones. The more immature and astringent persimmon tastes, the more tannin it contains. So, can the ripe persimmons be eaten open? Li Zhenfang, director and chief physician of the third Department of Gastroenterology of Jinan Central Hospital, said that for specific people, eating persimmons still can't do whatever they want. I ate three persimmons on an empty stomach Big stones grow in the stomach Gao Fengyu said that since autumn, gastrolithiasis has also entered a high incidence season. The Department of Gastroenterology of Shandong maternal and child health hospital has also treated many patients with gastrolithiasis one after another, mostly due to eating too many persimmons on an empty stomach. Gaofeng Yu once treated a patient in his fifties. He ate three persimmons on an empty stomach. As a result, stones of 5 cm in size grew in his stomach. "Especially the old people with bad teeth prefer soft things, such as persimmons and soft dates. They are soft and sweet. They unconsciously eat too much. When they come to see a doctor, they find that they are greedy and have stomach stones." Li Zhenfang said that gastric stones are prone to occur in elderly, dyspepsia, gastroparesis, diabetes, peptic ulcer and subtotal gastrectomy. The reasons may be related to the decrease of gastric motility, delayed gastric emptying, and decreased regulation function. Clinically, it is mainly middle-aged and elderly people over 50 years old, and relatively few young people are ill. "Excessive stomach acid and slow gastric peristalsis are also contributing factors." Gaofeng Yu said that people with insufficient gastric motility should try to eat less or even no persimmons. If they really want to eat, they should choose ripe persimmons, eat less and don't eat on an empty stomach. After eating persimmon, you can also take some baking soda to help empty your stomach. For early gastric calculus You can take medicine orally or drink coke Gao Fengyu introduced that after the formation of stomach stones, small stomach stones generally do not produce any symptoms. With gastrointestinal peristalsis, they will be discharged out of the body through feces. Larger stomach stones will cause congestion and edema of gastric mucosa, form ulcers, and cause fullness, pain, nausea, vomiting, etc. Small stomach stones can't be discharged, which can also lead to intestinal obstruction. With the extension of time, the stomach stone will gradually harden, the difficulty of lithotripsy will greatly increase, and the patients will suffer more. Li Zhenfang once received a patient over 80 years old, 15cm × The black stone with the size of 18cm almost covers the whole stomach. Due to the long time in the stomach, the surface of the stomach stone has been polished smooth. After five lithotripsy operations, the stone was discharged from the body. So, what symptoms should be vigilant against stomach stones? Gao Fengyu said that if you eat a lot of hawthorn, persimmon and jujube recently, especially in the fasting state, you have discomfort such as fullness, pain, anorexia, nausea and vomiting in the upper abdomen, you should be alert to stomach stones and go to the hospital in time. Li Zhenfang said that B-ultrasound, barium meal or gastroscopy can find abnormalities in the stomach, which can determine whether there is gastrolith. The early formation of gastrolith is generally soft, and the effect of oral drug treatment is good. "You can take sodium bicarbonate and acid suppressants orally, or coke. It can neutralize gastric acid, make the stomach neutral or weakly alkaline, make the stomach stone soft and broken, and excrete it with the stool." Li Zhenfang said that if the drug treatment effect is poor, you can also choose gastroscopy. Under gastroscope, biopsy forceps, foreign body forceps and snares are used to crush gastroliths, which are divided into small pieces and excreted from the body through feces. When the stomach stone is large and large, it may need to be crushed many times. If gastroliths reach the small intestine and cause intestinal obstruction, endoscopic intestinal obstruction catheter placement, enteroscopy or surgery should be performed. A persimmon with Five Herbs Fresh persimmon 250g fresh persimmon, chopped to take juice, washed with boiling water, can treat the annoyance of stomach heat hurting Yin, thirst and dry mouth. Dried persimmon 60g persimmon, 9g Sichuan scallop, steamed and taken, can cure dry cough; Persimmon, brown sugar 50 grams each, black fungus 6 grams, fried in water, can cure hemorrhoids bleeding; Two persimmons, two pieces of tangerine peel and 60g of glutinous rice can cure chronic enteritis. Persimmon frost Persimmon cream can cure chronic bronchitis, dry cough and pharyngitis; 10 grams of persimmon cream, 0.5 grams of borneol and 5 grams of mint. Grind the powder and rub the affected part. It can cure aphthous ulcer and angular stomatitis. Persimmon stalk To deal with intractable hiccup, use 5 persimmon stalks, 3 ginger slices, 2 anise (star anise), and make tea with boiling water. Persimmon leaf Take an appropriate amount of tender persimmon leaves and soak in boiling water instead of tea, which can soften blood vessels, reduce blood pressure, prevent arteriosclerosis, clear away heat, strengthen stomach and help digestion. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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