Does grapefruit still divide male and female? Moistening the lungs and reducing noise in autumn, tell you how to choose delicious grapefruit


Frost has passed. This is the last solar term in autumn and the transitional solar term from autumn to winter. Frost term is characterized by cold weather in the morning and evening, hot at noon, large temperature difference between day and night, and people will feel obvious dryness in autumn. At this time, there happens to be a large number of sweet, clear and moist seasonal fruits on the market, which can reduce autumn dryness. This fruit is grapefruit. Grapefruit is rich in nutrition. The fruit is fresh, sweet, sour and delicious. The peel and grapefruit flower can be used as medicine. Grapefruit meat also has the effects of regulating qi and resolving phlegm, moistening lung and clearing intestines, tonifying blood and strengthening spleen. Low calorie and low GI are rich in a variety of nutrients Grapefruit has good pulp taste, crisp and tender, juicy and delicious, moderate sweet and sour, and full of fragrance. Specifically, it has five characteristics: 1、 Rich in water: every 100 grams of pulp contains 89 grams of water, which is most suitable to supplement the lack of body water in dry autumn and winter. 2、 Low energy: the energy of grapefruit is only 41 kcal / 100g, nearly 10 kcal lower than that of apple, so eating grapefruit doesn't worry about getting fat. Three, low GI: grapefruit is worthy of the name of low GI (glycemic index) fruit, GI is only 25, is particularly suitable for high blood sugar or diabetic patients eat fruits. 4、 Rich in vitamin C: the content of vitamin C in grapefruit is as high as 23 mg / 100g. It is high in fruits and vegetables in autumn and winter. Vitamin C can reduce cholesterol in blood, prevent colds, enhance immunity and beautify skin. 5、 Multiple nutrients: it contains a variety of vitamins such as vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and carotene, as well as a variety of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. In particular, high potassium and low sodium are helpful to prevent hypertension and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Grapefruit regardless of male and female selection "three look, one pinch and one weigh" Some fruit stall owners say they want to buy female grapefruit, which is sweet. Will male grapefruit be a little more astringent? Does grapefruit still divide male and female? In fact, grapefruit is regardless of male and female. The so-called male and female of some businesses are mainly distinguished by the "small circle" at the top or bottom of grapefruit. However, these "small circles" are only the scars left by the fruit pedicle or after the flowers fade, which has nothing to do with whether the grapefruit is good or sweet. When buying grapefruit, if you pursue nutritional value, red heart grapefruit and white heart grapefruit have their own nutrition; If you pursue taste, red heart grapefruit will be better than white heart grapefruit. So, how to choose grapefruit? To sum up, it is "three looks, one pinch and one weigh". 1、 Look at the epidermis. Good grapefruit skin is uniform, smooth, delicate and thin. If the skin is rough, it is not recommended to buy. 2、 Look at the shape of the fruit. Usually, the standard shape of grapefruit is "top tip and bottom width". "Top tip" actually looks at the neck of grapefruit. The neck should not be too long. If it is too long, it means more skin and less capsule and meat. "Lower width" requires grapefruit to be "short, fat and round", and the bottom should be fuller. 3、 Look at the size. Generally speaking, the older grapefruit has a higher maturity and more pulp. 4、 Pinch it. Good grapefruit is hard to pinch, which makes people feel very strong. It means that the bag is tight and juicy. If it is not elastic and soft, it means that it may have been placed for a period of time, and the water loss is serious. 5、 Weigh the weight. If you have two grapefruits of the same size, you can weigh them in your left and right hands. The heavier grapefruit has enough water. In addition, grapefruit belongs to Rutaceae. Because grapefruit peel is rich in essential oil, kneading and smelling really has the effect of refreshing, and can also cover up some peculiar smell, but there is no scientific basis for removing formaldehyde. (Xinhua News Agency)

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