自然与丛林、神秘与野趣——“非洲明珠”乌干达,承载着世界对美丽东非的无尽想象。这个境内大部分国土位于东非高原的国家,动植物与矿产资源丰富,拥有65个民族,自然禀赋与人文的多样性让片土地迸发着原始的力量和恒久的生命力。中乌两国自建交以来,一直保持友好的关系。去年是两国建交60周年,双边关系也在2023年迈上了新台阶。在这个令人振奋和鼓舞的时期,《瞭望新时代》杂志社(下简称“瞭新社”)邀请乌干达共和国驻广州总领事茱蒂斯·桑巴贝拉大使(Judyth Nsababera)展开了一场对话,分享她眼中的乌干达、作为女性领导者的人生经历以及对中乌双边关系的看法。
乌干达拥有超过全球50%的稀有的山地大猩猩,徒步追踪和观察山地大猩猩(gorilla trekking)更是非常值得体验的项目
作为深受各国人民欢迎的旅游目的地,乌干达不仅因其绚丽多姿的地理风光吸引着全球的游客,还因其独特的人文风貌而让人心驰。65个民族在这片土壤繁衍生息,淳朴热情的人们欢迎着来自世界各地的朋友。早前,乌干达旅游局首席执行官莉莉·阿贾罗娃(Lily Ajarova)就说过:“非洲明珠乌干达拥有令人激动的风光、拥有精彩的文化、拥有最好客的人民。”外界所看到关于乌干达的一切总离不开野生动植物、咖啡、度假胜地,但乌干达的人民也是这个国度的迷人之处。
当然,让人艳羡的光环与鲜花之路“不是一夜之间发生的”。“ 我从无数优秀的人身上学习,也做了很多努力去真正地认识自己,例如参加了哈佛大学女性领导力项目。”在那里,茱蒂斯大使遇到了很多有成就的女性,她们是企业或机构的创始人、总裁或者高管,这让她感到自己并不孤独,因为早就有很多优秀的女性在开拓这条道路。她真切地说道,“任何人的‘我的人生’与你自己的人生是完全不同的,你必须想办法有所作为,开拓自己的路,并真实地活着。如果一个人对自己真诚,便能够更自信地代表自己,也能更好地代表你所在的企业、机构或者政府。”
瞭新社国际新闻中心记者柯娜(Keneuoe Ntene,右)对话朱蒂斯大使(左)
对于当下所取得的成就,她坦言,女儿是她在这一人生阶段中最大的前进动力。“我一直在思考,该如何创造一个让她和她的兄弟姐妹、朋友以及其他同龄孩子都能健康成长的世界?我的母亲是我成长过程中的榜样,我也想成为我女儿、侄女和侄子的榜样,让他们觉得‘我也想像Juju阿姨一样,我也能做到Juju阿姨能做的事’。”那么,朱蒂斯大使又想以什么样的身份被人们记住呢?她的回答也非常有意思——“空间创造者”(space creator)。“我希望通过友好的方式为人们创造空间,让他们得到自由表达和施展的机会,把人和人连接在一起——我甚至把乌干达政府对我的任命看作是一种“连接”。同时我也很感谢总统先生的广阔视野,让我和其它像我一样的人得到大展拳脚的空间。”毫无疑问,朱蒂斯大使绝对是一位有着敏锐嗅觉和大胆想法的创造者。
据大使介绍,长期在乌干达政府管控下的咖啡、茶、棉花等最近都被放在了“私营部门”—— 由私人投资者和农民单独经营。政府成立了乌干达咖啡发展局,负责咖啡的世界推广工作,使乌干达农民、贸易商等咖啡行业从业者以及咖啡消费者有更大的获益。她表示,咖啡的适用范围很广,除了我们常喝的“美式”,还可以用于化妆品、酒精饮料等,领事馆还将继续开展一系列的咖啡杯测等推广活动,欢迎所有感兴趣的朋友参与。
Linking Uganda to the world
——An in-depth talk with Ambassador Judyth Nsababera, Consul General of the Republic of Uganda in Guangzhou, China
The world through her eyes is a place where possibilities are endless, and with a heart that desires more for other’s well-being, she has managed to achieve a lot at a very young age — catering her life’s work to making the world a better place for women who are voiceless and creating space for those who also have similar goals of empowerment. Ugandan-born Ambassador Judyth Nsababera is a diamond among pearls and graced us with an invitation to her home in Guangzhou, China, to have an in-depth talk where she not only shared her home with us but her passions as well. Ambassador Judyth Nsababera generously shared her experiences in her peacekeeping projects, her career as an ambassador, and other works that she has ventured into from time to time with Outlook New Era. She led the conversation by introducing her country, Uganda, and elaborated on what her views on life are. She also abundantly enlightened us about the partnership and friendship between China and Uganda.
Uganda, “The Pearl of Africa”
Uganda, officially the Republic of Uganda, is a landlocked country in East Africa. Kenya borders the country to the east, South Sudan to the north, the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west, Rwanda to the south-west, and Tanzania to the south. A number of years ago, when Mr. Winston Churchill, who was prime minister of the United Kingdom at the time, traveled around Africa, he was astonished by the rich nature and weather in Uganda. Enchanted by the abundant fauna and flora of the Ugandan land, he called it the pearl of Africa.
When asked what is the most special thing that she would like the world to know about Uganda is, Ambassador Judyth said, “Uganda has the most kind people you will ever meet. They are genuine, they are friendly, and when you meet them, they genuinely want to be your friend…” This shows the world that Uganda is not only wealthy in nature, but the people there are very hospitable and welcoming, and this extends all the way up to the highly esteemed, his Excellency president (His Excellency President,) Yoweri Museveni. In Ambassador Judyth’s words, he is a father to the nation, and he expresses his accommodating nature by relating with different people of the world in their own dialects. Be it a village in Uganda or a different country in Africa, he makes means to have a respectful understanding with the people of that particular place. She shared that anything that is put in the ground in Uganda will grow, and that means there will always be food to feed not just Uganda but the world. This further supports the saying that Uganda is a place where seeds are nurtured to become fruitful in life.
Intertwining Uganda and China for reciprocated growth
As much as the country is wealthy in natural resources, it is also developing, and sharing what it has to offer to the world. One of the strongest cooperations or friendships that Uganda has is with China. Ambassador Judyth mentioned that due to the infrastructure development that China has brought to Uganda, traveling around the country has become more convenient which not only benefits the people in Uganda but also aids in the travel and tourism industries of the country, allowing tourists to travel within the country comfortably. She said that infrastructure is a vital aspect of development and growth, especially on the African continent. The country is also exploring the raw mineral sector of exporting oil, and one of the companies that has partnered in this is a Chinese company. Last year, in celebration of the 60th year of diplomatic ties, the government of the Republic of Uganda decided that they would build a chancery in Guangzhou to strengthen and further solidify the partnership. She stated, “Putting bricks and water basically says that we are not going anywhere.”
In a China Daily news report, it was stated that Ugandan coffee farmers are preparing to increase sales in the key Chinese market, following the removal of tariffs on a variety of agricultural items from the African country by Beijing. According to the Chinese trade ministry, with the zero-tariff agreement between the two countries, which went into force on December 1, 2022, Uganda plans to export 100,000 metric tons of coffee to China every month this year.
To enrich the contents of the comprehensive cooperative partnership between China and Uganda, the Chinese embassy in Uganda welcomes citizens of Uganda to apply for the 2023-2024 Chinese government scholarships. This act has been present for years on end and has also made some advancements in improving the quality of education. Ambassador Judyth said that it is truly an honor and joy to be interviewed by someone from the continent who is also a recipient of this scholarship. This just showed that China’s kindness and generosity stretch out to different parts of the world. On this note, she further expressed her deep interest in the Chinese language and culture and how being able to be here at this moment was truly appreciated.
For a long time, coffee, tea, cotton, among others, were considered cash crops and have been for the longest time in the hands of the government of Uganda. It is only recently that all of this has been put in the private sector, run solely by private investors and farmers, trading and making business off of it. The government created an agency called the Ugandan Coffee Development Authority that coordinates all that has to do with promoting coffee to the world. Working with this agency, it has been easier to work with China in ways that benefit Ugandan coffee farmers, traders, and all the other organizations that work in the Ugandan coffee industry, as well as benefit consumers of coffee around the world. Ambassador Judyth expressed that coffee has a wide range in business; it is not only sold for consumption but it is also found in cosmetics, alcoholic beverages among others, making it possible for a number of businesses to reap some benefits as well. One of the most popular foods in Uganda amongst many is coffee, and Kisoro being her hometown, her favorite brand is Kisoro Arabica coffee. This is a rich and deep coffee brand that has a variety of flavors and is planning on making more to accommodate the taste buds of the rest of the world. As she markets this coffee, she said, “Once you know what coffee tastes like, you will know the value of coffee”. The consul general also promotes the coffee by hosting cupping events where people get to taste the coffee, different kinds of beans and more.
2023 is the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative. Also, the 20th CPC National Congress and the 2023 National Two Sessions bring vitality to China and the world. This is just the beginning of more advancements, such as the making of a direct flight from Uganda straight into Guangzhou, China and vice versa, eliminating travel complications on tourism seeing that the location of Uganda in east Africa makes it a cradle of humanity and also making it easier to bring products in and out of Uganda into China. This creates more agricultural and consumption investment platforms from all over the world because Uganda has the land, resources, and a strong labor force. “Our commitment is stronger than ever in terms of how we are going to develop,” she added. It also seemed to have been very smooth for her as she settled in Guangzhou, as she did mention that she is a city girl all the way; however, Guangzhou offered more than just city life to her; it offered exceptional cuisine, nature in the city, and a peace of mind due to its safety.
Ambassador Judyth, “the space creator”
“Being a woman, raising a daughter make you realize that it is important to speak for those who are not in a position to speak for themselves, and I believe it is important to always look out for women because they are an integral part of our community and society, and if there is any group that cannot or is unable to speak for themselves, then I will definitely jump in [to help],“ she exclaimed. Having been raised by a single mother of seven children and seeing the struggles and beauties of being a mother, Ambassador Judyth’s character has been molded in a way that led her to decide on dedicating her life to being the hope and voice for those who are challenged. Rooted and grounded in nurturing disciplines, she ventured into projects where she is not just a motivation for others but she is also becoming the best version of herself, fully proving how actually possible it is to not be bounded by the tribulations of life. Even during times of difficulty, such as traveling with her young daughter at the peak of COVID-19, where she had no control over the circumstances and had to think about the well-being of both her and her child, she still remained true to her authenticity and stayed faithful to fulfilling what she viewed as her purpose in life. All of this did not happen overnight, and it took a lot of different kinds of exposures and experiences for her to keep this passion alive, and she truly is blazing a trail for the younger women who are coming after her with similar intentions. It is also very motivating and supportive to be in an environment or surroundings that fuel your fire and to see other people who make the same efforts succeed and make tangible progress.
With a reputation that precedes her and a bag full of prestigious, internationally recognized titles, Ambassador Judyth wishes to be remembered as a space creator and a connector. Creating a platform where women can express themselves freely and more, connecting people to each other’s paths of greatness. All of the titles and tags she has accumulated and achieved over the years were not for boastfulness or self-pride, but for the pride of others and for genuinely shedding a different light on the nations. Life changes and a lot of things evolve, but different stages of life require different kinds of ignitions. Though she may have started this journey with the pain of facing all the difficulties she had faced, the happiness she has experienced over the years has kept her afloat, and right now her daughter is her core motivation for keeping the flame of ambition ignited. Change is not just the end; it is the beginning of something new. Her job as an ambassador allows her to bring Uganda to the world and also bring the world to Uganda.
As she proceeded to show her appreciation, Ambassador Judyth expressed her gratitude to Outlook New Era magazine and its team for giving her the opportunity to share about her work, culture, and country so that people can understand the African culture better and also for creating a platform for people from other countries to be able to expand their horizons in different fields.
(瞭新社 Outlook New Era)
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