The overall plan is to cultivate around 200 craftsmen from major countries every year


The All China Federation of Trade Unions recently issued the "Implementation Measures for the Cultivation of Great Nation Craftsman Talents (Trial)", proposing a plan to cultivate about 200 great nation craftsmen annually, and to demonstrate and guide various regions and industries to actively support the cultivation of about 1000 provincial and ministerial level craftsmen and about 5000 municipal level craftsmen annually. The method has made clear provisions on the conditions for cultivating objects, including strong political qualities, more than 5 years of experience in frontline production site work, long-term practice of the craftsman spirit of persistence, focus, excellence, meticulousness, and pursuit of excellence, and basic conditions such as outstanding technical skills and qualities. In addition, the cultivated objects should have outstanding potential in terms of the ability standards of great country craftsmen, that is, in terms of leadership, practical ability, innovation ability, research ability, and inheritance ability, showing obvious development potential. The cultivation period for great country craftsmen is generally two years. After the end of the period, the General Administration issues a certificate of great country craftsmen to selected individuals who have completed the cultivation task and passed the evaluation. During the cultivation period, the recommended unit shall develop and implement its own national craftsman training plan, and regularly report the cultivation situation. In order to provide better support and guarantee for craftsmen from major countries, the General Administration has established a special fund for incentive and guarantee of craftsmen from major countries, to support craftsmen in carrying out project research, skill inheritance, and other work. For those who have obtained the National Craftsman Certificate after the cultivation period, the trade union will implement treatment for the candidates based on the national labor model standards and strengthen the recommendation and use of National Craftsmen. (Lixin News Agency) (Reporter Yi Shuran)

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou

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