What are the key application scenarios of 6G?


Since the official launch of 5G commercialization in China on October 31, 2019, the demand for more advanced and intelligent communication systems has become increasingly urgent in various industries. The existing 5G capabilities are no longer able to meet the latest needs, and research on 6G technology has gradually been put on the agenda. Therefore, based on the latest evolution trends of 6G technology, we can explore the key application scenarios of 6G in the future. The 6G technology has further expanded and enhanced its capabilities on the basis of the existing 5G technology, enhancing mobile broadband, massive Internet of Things, and low latency and high reliability are the three typical scenarios of 5G. The IMT-2030 (6G) promotion team believes that 6G will further build super wireless broadband, ultra large scale connections, extremely reliable communication capabilities, and expand perception and intelligent service new scenarios on the basis of these three typical scenarios, Namely, communication perception fusion and inclusive intelligence. In addition, the scope of 6G services will be further expanded to include space and space, achieving global three-dimensional coverage. Super Wireless Broadband is the evolution and expansion of Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB), which will greatly enhance the immersive communication experience centered on people and achieve seamless coverage at any location around the world. Typical application scenarios can include immersive XR, synesthesia interconnection, holographic communication, etc. These applications have higher requirements for peak speed, user experience rate, spectrum efficiency, etc. compared to 5G. At the same time, full coverage will support wireless broadband access for all time and all regions, providing seamless switching, high mobility, and high-quality user experience in an integrated air space network. Typical applications include immersive cloud XR. Extended Reality (XR) is a collective term for virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), and more. Through cloud based XR technology, the performance requirements of XR terminal devices will be significantly reduced, freeing them from cable constraints. XR terminals will be lighter, more immersive, intelligent, and more conducive to commercial applications. According to the Virtual Reality Industry Promotion Association, in order for virtual reality users to achieve a fully immersive level, the angular resolution needs to reach 60ppd, the frame rate should not be less than 120Hz, the field of view angle should not be less than 130 °, and the pixel size should be 12 bits per pixel. It should also be able to alleviate the dizziness caused by focusing conflicts to a certain extent. Based on a compression ratio of 100, the throughput requirement is about 3.8Gbps. Extremely reliable communication will further enhance its capabilities on the basis of low latency and high reliability communication (uRLLC). Typical applications include robot collaboration, drone swarms, and various real-time human-machine interaction operations in the field of intelligent industry, fully functional autonomous driving in intelligent transportation systems, personalized "digital humans" in precision medicine, and remote medical surgeries. Compared to 5G, 6G has better mid to high speed data transmission and ultra-high precision positioning capabilities, which can meet the extremely high requirements of machine collaborative interaction applications for jitter, time synchronization, stability, and other aspects. In the future, machine control scenarios will achieve multi-dimensional collaboration between humans, machines, objects, and the environment, gradually expanding from smart factories to multiple fields such as smart agriculture, smart cities, and smart transportation. From closed scenes to open scenes, more precise perception ability and more accurate control command execution are required for the reliability and determination of communication

Edit:Hou Wenzhe    Responsible editor:WeiZe

Source:people postal daily

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