Expanding high-quality resources and improving the quality of education


Goodbye dad! Come pick me up earlier! "At 7:50 in the morning, Wang Zhen felt at ease as he watched his daughter Xunxun bouncing into Qingdao Qiyuan School. He looked down at his watch and walked from home to school in less than 7 minutes. August 28th is the day when the new semester of primary and secondary schools in Qingdao begins. Like Xunxun, a total of 171300 primary school freshmen entered the campus in the city, officially embarking on a new journey in life. In 2023, Qingdao ushered in a peak of enrollment, with over 70000 new school-age children added throughout the city. Although the increase was significant, due to the continuous expansion of high-quality resources in Qingdao's basic education in recent years, primary school enrollment in the city was orderly, and nearby enrollment at home became the independent choice of the vast majority of parents. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that we should adhere to the people-centered development of education, accelerate the construction of a high-quality education system, develop quality education, and promote educational fairness. In the face of new situations such as the optimization of fertility policy, the reform of the registered residence system, and the acceleration of urbanization, how can children of ordinary people be educated? Qingdao's answer is to actively respond to challenges, target excellent education for young children and for learning, and respond to the expectations of the people for "better education" by expanding high-quality resources and improving the quality of education. Establish a "new mechanism" for monitoring supply and demand, and achieve a doubling of degrees. "Schools are starting to greener today!" Mr. Wang, who lives in Yishan Peninsula Community, Fushan New District, Qingdao, visits the entrance of Tongde Primary School under construction every day to promote the construction of a live streaming school for his grandson who is going to primary school this year. In order to effectively ensure the supply of academic degrees during the peak period of primary school enrollment, Qingdao has established a degree supply and demand monitoring mechanism that is adapted to the growth and structural changes of the school-age population. Keeping up with enrollment needs, we have adjusted and optimized the layout plan of educational facilities. Starting from 2022, we will invest 39.3 billion yuan in three years to build, renovate, and expand 220 primary and secondary kindergartens. "Jiang Yuanshao, Director of the Qingdao Education Bureau, told reporters that while optimizing the school layout, we have also established a" six synchronization "mechanism between supporting schools (kindergartens) and residential areas, ensuring that supporting schools and residential areas are implemented and put into use simultaneously. In the past two years, the construction of schools has accelerated in the newly built functional areas, residential areas at the urban-rural junction, and old industrial areas of urban renewal in Qingdao. In 2023, a large number of new schools such as Qingdao Yuxin Primary School, Qingdao Tongde School, and China Ocean University Affiliated School have been opened, ensuring the smooth and stable enrollment of over 70000 new school-age children. The former Qingdao Iron and Steel Plant area located in Licang District, Qingdao City preserves the industrial memory of the northern urban area of Qingdao since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Qingdao has planned and built a high-quality high school Qingdao 58 Middle School New Campus in this area, using high-quality educational resources to drive the area to transform into a cage and a phoenix. After the relocation of the steel factory, this area has become increasingly sluggish. We are particularly excited about the excellent layout of the education system here and look forward to the revitalization of the old urban area, "said Zhang Xianwei, a resident of the area. Wang Xiaoguang, Director of the Education and Sports Bureau of Licang District, Qingdao, also told reporters that the completion of a batch of new high-quality schools has transformed the educational resources of Licang District from "basic balance" to "high-quality balance", and more and more children have achieved "attending good schools at home". Build a cluster

Edit:GuoGuo    Responsible editor:FangZhiYou


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