How to Practice the "Four Haves" as a Good Teacher


On May 29th, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held its fifth collective learning on building an educational powerhouse. This insightful and concise statement enriches the ideological connotation of the important discourse of the "Four Haves" good teacher, and provides a clear direction and path for how to cultivate a "Four Haves" good teacher. The four words' firm ',' nurturing ',' nurturing ', and' diligent cultivation 'are concise and profound, and are worth savoring in detail. Firm ideals and beliefs. 'Firmness' means that ideals and beliefs are rooted in oneself, and the saying goes that the Tao is not far from others and does not wait for external demands. The cause of Socialism with Chinese characteristics is rooted in the fertile soil of China's excellent traditional culture. It is an ideal and belief that flows in every Chinese's genetic blood. We should consciously stand up for such ideal and belief. We should "first stand on the big", then nurture it well, adhere to it, withstand numerous tests, and achieve "strong but not counter". Then we can be a model for others and model the group ethics. Cultivate moral character. 'Cultivation' refers to the social nature of moral character, which needs to be constantly refined in the interaction between people, and this process is gradual and imperceptible. We carry forward the Core Socialist Values, emphasize the ethics of teachers, and formulate ten guidelines for teachers' behavior in the new era, which is to cultivate the moral sentiments of teachers and students in the social environment, the background of the times, and the ecology of the education sector. Teachers should also have the consciousness to keep up with the times and strive for excellence in their moral conduct. Cultivate solid knowledge. On the one hand, "cultivation" indicates that knowledge needs to be continuously absorbed, internalized, and innovated; On the other hand, it is pointed out that teachers need to be humble, respectful, and aware of their shortcomings. And 'cultivation' requires our teachers to always maintain their enthusiasm for learning knowledge and pursuing truth, like Confucius, 'to forget to eat with anger, forget to worry with joy, and never know that old age is coming', and always maintain a temperament and determination that is not worried or confused, not arrogant or restless. Diligently cultivate a benevolent heart. Diligent cultivation emphasizes that the "heart of kindness" is not immutable and needs to be nurtured and developed at all times, otherwise it will weaken or even be lost. The famous fable of "cattle mountain washing" in ancient times clearly explains why the mind needs continuous cultivation, and warns us that "if we strive to maintain it, nothing will grow; if we strive to lose it, nothing will disappear". Teachers bear the sacred responsibility of teaching and educating people, and they need more

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan

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