AI Sun Yanzi's rise to fame cannot be 'darkness'


Recently, the all-powerful "AI Stefanie Sun" has become popular online. There are a large number of related videos posted on Bilibili, with unique timbre and singing styles that are similar or completely different from the singer's own style, such as "Love Business" and "Hero Song", becoming a new favorite on the internet. The true singer Stefanie Sun, with her unique tone, highlights her commercial value in the record era. Her voice combines natural skin and bone elements, and she can express her personality harmoniously, quickly breaking into her own world in the music industry. When AI becomes Stefanie Sun, all of this is quite ironic. The unique timbre of Stefanie Sun happens to be the best interpretation of AI technology. This technological innovation simulates singers through the creation of artificial intelligence audio, achieving virtual singing. The emergence of AI Stefanie Sun has also sparked strong public attention to speech synthesis technology. Before this, AI had made many professions tremble, and game painters and internet writers were full of doubts about this "competitor" in front of them. The underlying logic of technology is to use models with extremely large parameter scales and training sets to perform miracles at the algorithmic level, combined with human repeated training and reinforcement learning, achieving astonishing application effects. As a result, these innovations first affected some cultural and creative industries, such as writing scripts, drawing oil paintings, and making music. AI technology can assist in creation, human-machine co creation, and even pure machine creation. However, the benefits and backlash brought by innovation often lie within a single thought. Especially in the field of culture and art, the formation of "machine substitution" for some low threshold creative work is a technological advancement, but copying and imitating creativity without thinking is a technological "evil". The creativity of 'people' is unique. If the copyright of artists is not effectively protected, and imitators seize data without restraint and generate it recklessly, true creators will only have nowhere to go. Song AI that Stefanie Sun has sung is acceptable, and song AI that Stefanie Sun has not sung is also acceptable. In the era of mass entertainment, while these may seem dramatic, they are actually very serious legal issues related to copyright and intellectual property protection. The most authentic reason why Stefanie Sun's music deeply rooted in people's hearts comes from personal traits. These traits provide inspiration to planners, inspire songwriters, and are an unexpected collision between the singer's personality during the music production process, even after being placed in the eyes of the times and the public, and a wide audience. This collision is not generated casually, and this shaping can withstand the strictest tests of time and the masses. And AI is more like the song "It's Dark" sung by Stefanie Sun, the sky is big, but it can't be seen clearly all the time. The artificial intelligence technology adopted by AI Stefanie Sun is purely innovative, but there must be a clear statement whether using samples from other companies or music producers without authorization has infringed on others' intellectual property rights. The use of ChatGPT by OpenAI has opened a new door to artificial intelligence, further amplifying the risks of AI generated content being fake, data leakage, and infringement. The industry has long been concerned about the development and management of generative artificial intelligence. Last month, National Network

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