How to Achieve Stable and Far Future in the "Expedition" of Cloud Computing


At present, China's cloud computing market is still in an explosive growth stage, with the emergence of a group of large cloud computing companies, including mobile cloud, which have made great progress. However, there are still outstanding problems in core technology, ecological construction, industry applications, and other aspects, which will affect the sustained and healthy development of the domestic cloud computing industry. On April 25, at the 2023 Mobile Cloud Conference hosted by China Mobile Communications Group (hereinafter referred to as China Mobile), Zheng Weimin, an academician of the CAE Member and professor of Tsinghua University, made a speech that attracted attention. Zheng Weimin suggested that we should strengthen support for the information and innovation project, develop cloud computing interoperability technology, encourage state-owned enterprises to use public clouds, and boost the "strength" of China's cloud computing industry. Relevant experts, responsible persons, and enterprise representatives also spoke at the meeting. Looking for trends: the computing power occupied by AI will be mainly borne by the intelligent computing center. How important is computing power to the digital economy? Shan Zhi Guangkai, director of the Department of Informatization and Industrial Development of the State Information Center, said plainly: "Computing power is gradually becoming a new productivity in the digital economy era. Every increase in computing power index will contribute 3.5 ‰ to the digital economy and 1.8 ‰ to GDP." What is the development trend of cloud computing, Shan Zhiguang provides a window into the future: first, a multi cloud strategy and multi cloud framework; Secondly, vertical tracks such as video cloud, data intelligence, and AI have intensified the "internal competition" in the cloud computing market; Third, the cloud computing industry has entered the "foam squeeze" stage, and the differentiated competition among cloud computing enterprises is expected to replace the large-scale competition that has lasted for many years; The acceleration of hardware research and development based on self-developed chips has become a new trend in industrial development; The fifth is that the trend of cloud native is gradually deepening, and the trend of cloud based middleware and application development is becoming prominent. Shan Zhiguang revealed that over 30 cities in China are currently constructing or proposing to build intelligent computing centers. "Currently, the demand for intelligent computing power in China is growing rapidly, and 80% of the future scenarios will be based on artificial intelligence. The computing resources occupied will mainly be carried by intelligent computing centers." China Mobile is also actively planning for the future of the cloud computing industry. Yang Jie, Chairman of China Mobile, introduced that China Mobile will improve its resource layout, tackle key technologies, deeply cultivate information services, gather industrial forces, build a safe, trustworthy, green, and low-carbon development system, and accelerate the promotion of computing power networks from ubiquitous collaboration to integrated and unified, and then to integrated and endogenous. At the meeting, China Mobile released a new strategic plan for mobile cloud, self-developed core technology achievements, and key future market measures. It also collaborated with leading industry chain enterprises such as Qiming Star, iFlytek, ZTE Communications, and Zhongke Controllable to establish the "Mobile Cloud Information Technology Integration Application Innovation Industry Ecological Consortium". Problem finding: independence and controllability, interoperability are still weak, and the application of a single technology is the basis for national prosperity. In Zheng Weimin's view, the development of China's cloud computing industry still needs "strong muscles". Zheng Weimin believes that there has been some progress in the independent and controllable development of cloud computing in China, but there are still serious technological gaps in server hardware and network hardware, which is the core issue affecting the sustainable and healthy development of the domestic cloud computing industry. Secondly, from the perspective of ecological construction, the interoperability of cloud computing has become an impact on construction

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